- Jim and Anne have now resolved to take one another for better for worse. 吉姆和安妮已海誓山盟苦乐与共。
- You have to take your lot for better or for worse. 不管好坏,你得听天由命。
- They have taken each other for better or for worse. 他们已结为夫妇,今后同甘共苦。
- He resolved to take her for better or for worse. 不论是福是祸,他决心娶她为妻。
- He promised to take her for better or for worse. 他答应不管怎样都要娶她。
- They are neighbours, for better or for worse. 好歹他们是邻居。
- They have taken each other for better or for worse . 他们已结为夫妻。
- What is more, we are married to the science, for better or for worse. 再者,我们依恋于科学,不管是好是坏。
- He promised to take me for better or for worse, but he broke his promise! 他答应过不论顺境逆境都会照顾我,可是他违背了他的诺言。
- The case for euthanasia is, for better or for worse, getting more respectable. 无论好坏,安乐死这种医疗方式现今已逐渐受到广泛的尊重。
- Reducing racquet weight will alter its feel - for better or for worse. 不论好坏,减轻球拍重量肯定会改变他的手感。
- For better or for worse, our company is a reflection of my thinking, my character, my values. 不管是好还是坏,我们公司是我的思想,我的个性和我的价值的反映。
- For better or for worse, there could be no turning back on the high road to international responsibility. 不管是好还是坏,在通向国际职责的大道上,再也不会走回头路了。
- for better for worse adv. 不论好坏
- take "for better for worse" 与…结为夫妇,白头到老,苦乐与共,与…同甘共苦
- He promised to take her for better or worse. 他答应不管怎样都要娶她。
- The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue. 明媚的阳光对我们的烤肉野餐是个吉兆。
- From this day forword, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honer, and cherish, ’til death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; 戒指正是选用了这一段感人的爱情盟约的英文版精雕于戒身,为圣智独家设计、制作和开发。
- Traditionally,they promise to love each other"for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health". 按照传统,他们要向对方许诺无论“是好是坏,是富是穷,是生病还是健康”都要相互呵护。
- It's better for the doer to undo what he has done. 解铃还需系铃人。