- He said he only did it for a lark. 他说他只是闹着玩的。
- They stole the car for a lark, but now they're in trouble. 他们偷了汽车原以为好玩,现在可惹祸了。
- The boys didn't mean any harm,they just did it for a lark. 那些男孩并无恶意,他们只是闹着玩罢了。
- Sod that for a lark! I'm not doing any more tonight. 拉他妈的倒吧!我今晚再也不做了。
- Dont treat the little skylark for a lark! It's cruel! 不要那样对待那个小云雀来取乐!那样太残忍了!
- Such a lazybones like him was up with the lark this morn? Are you blowing that for a lark? 像他这种懒人今早会很早起床?你这不简直是在开国际玩笑吗?
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- The soldier rigged up a shanty for a night's rest. 士兵们临时胡乱搭起了一间小屋过夜。
- Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。
- It's a bad habit for a boy to toss off. 对一个男孩来说,手淫是个坏习惯。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- She asked for a valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。
- The city was prettied up for a visit by the Queen. 那个城市为了迎接女王的来访而美化了一番。
- Let's go for a walk and blow the cobweb away. 咱们去散散步,清醒一下头脑。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
- The scheme had been batted around for a few weeks. 这个方案被反复讨论了几个星期。
- I come in answer to your ad for a salesman. 我来应聘售货员的职位。
- He asked for a donation but went away empty handed. 他请求人们捐款,但离开时却一无所获!