- She has won the award for the third year in succession. 这是她连续第三年获得此奖。
- She has been awarded first prize four years in succession. 她已连续四年获得一等奖。
- They are semi-finalists for the fourth year in succession. 这是他们连续第四年打入半决赛。
- She is the world champion for the third year in succession. 她是连续三年的世界冠军。
- We have dwelt for years in the same town . 我们在同一个城市里住了好几年。
- We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear. 多年来我们一直生活在恐惧中。
- He has been dwelling for years in the same town. 他在一个城市住了多年。
- He dwelt for years in the same town. 他在同一个城镇里住了多年。
- This is the seventh year in succession that they've won the cup. 这是他们连续第七年获得该奖杯。
- The prices would fluctuate for years in undeveloped countries. 在不发达国家,物价会连续几年保持不变.
- Our school has won the speech contest for the third year in succession. 我们学校连续第三年获得演讲比赛第一名。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- The cultivation technology of the fingered citron melon growing for years in succession in the large warm canopy in winter 冬暖大棚佛手瓜多年生栽培技术
- He was late for school three times in succession. 他连续三次上学迟到。
- They rubbed along together for years in spite of occasional disagreements. 多年来,尽管偶尔有几次口角,他们还是相处得很融洽的。
- He has been trying for years to get in that club. 几年来他一直争取加入那个俱乐部。
- I have been elected best goalkeeper by the South America Foot-ball Federation in succession three years in a row. 我连续 三年被南美足球联合会推举为最佳守门员。
- My son drifted around for years in california before going to law school. 我儿子在上法学院之前在加利福尼亚州飘荡了好几年。
- Who is first in succession to the throne? 谁是王位的第一继承人?
- He languished in poverty for years. 他多年挣扎在贫困之中。