- Maintaining functional units of liquid food packaging equipment. 液态食品灌装设备的功能单元维修。
- Food Packaging, Meat &Poultry. It is an importer, distribut ... 阿联酋公司求购食品包装,畜禽肉产品2008-03-21
- Weifang easy Jiale Food Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2006. 潍坊易佳乐食品包装机械有限公司成立于2006年。
- This significantly reduces backpack weight and excess food packaging taken into the backcountry. 这将极大减少带到野外的背包重量和过多的食物包装袋。
- Remain dissolvent in the food package? 食品包装残留溶剂知多少?
- Follow the directions on the dog food package. 严格按照狗粮外包装上的说明判断每日投食量。
- Melamine as a chemical raw material, can be used in plastics, coatings, adhesives, food packaging materials production. 三聚氰胺作为化工原料,可用于塑料、涂料、粘合剂、食品包装材料的生产。
- Propane is later converted to propylene for use in textiles, food packaging and automotive components. 丙烷后来转换成丙烯,用于制造纺织品、食物包装材料和汽车零件。
- The company has passed ISO9001:2000 quality system certification, AIB food packaging certification. 公司已通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,阿拉伯国际银行食品包装认证。
- WDK-MH200 Applied to Micro PE film, films, food packaging film, drip irrigation and other farm. MH200应用于PE微地膜,棚膜,食品包装膜,农用滴灌等。
- The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging. 杂志所作的研究发现,许多大超市销售的沙拉甚至比快餐食品和巧克力更不健康。
- Food Packaging, Rice & Grain, Sugar & Sweeteners, ginger. It is an importer and ... 叙利亚公司求购食品包装,谷物类,砂糖及甜味剂,姜
- There is a common substrate coated, non-coated paper, cardboard, food packaging paper, Mendelevium in foil and paper. 别致承印物有涂布,否涂布纸,纸板,食物包装纸,钔箔及金属纸。
- It can be applied to toluene residue determination in food packaging and pharmaceutical industries. 适用于医药、食品包装等行业甲苯残留的检测。
- This food packaging design for Morinaga Caramel was from this semester's “memory” project. 这是这学期“回忆“主题报告做的森永牛奶糖“食品包装“设计。
- Confectionery, Edible Fats &Oils, Food Packaging, Gums &Stabilizers, Snack Foo ... 巴基斯坦公司求购糖果,食用脂肪,食品包装,胶基,休闲食品
- Because there are several factors to produce food packaging is a highly complex process. 由于存在多种影响因素,制作食品包装是极为复杂的过程。
- Special DOP plasticizers are the largest amount of species, but the volume of people for food packaging products. 特别DOP是用量最大的增塑剂品种,而且人量用于食品包装产品中。
- Dart has been a leader in the food packaging industry for four decades, providing products and solutions to companies throughout the world. Dart四十多年来一直是食品包装界的带头人,在全世界范围内为各公司提供产品及解决问题的方案。
- PFOA is used in the making of fluorochemicals, which are used in non-stick and oil and grease resistant food packaging linings. 全氟辛酸铵是用于制造含氟化合物,这是用于不粘油和油脂性食品包装衬板。