- The decision was affected by his fluctuation of mood. 这个决定受他情绪的影响。
- The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses. 冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。
- The graph shows the fluctuation of the temperature at each hour. 曲线图显示了每小时温度的变化。
- PSMSL; Permanent Service for the Fluctuation of Glaciers; 常设冰川变动事务处;
- Loss from fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate. 凡因外币汇率变动而发生之损失皆属之。
- Our prices are subject to fluctuation of the market. 我方价格得随市价波动而调整。
- Fluctuations of Glacier Mass Balance in Watersheds of Qilian Mountain and Their Impact on Water Resources of Hexi Region 祁连山北坡流域冰川物质平衡波动及其对河西水资源的影响
- Another set of glaciers flowing into a lake. 再来一张冰河汇集流入湖泊的照片.
- Not yet, but the amount of glacier water affects a river's flow volume. 还不至于,但是冰川融化的水量变少会影响河流的流量。
- Intensity fluctuation of any or all components of a received signal. 接收信号的部分或所有成分的强度起伏波动。
- Studies on Fluctuation of Hunan Environmental Quality Evolvement. 湖南省环境质量演进的波动研究。
- We change our clothes with the fluctuation of the temperature. 我们随着温度的变化增减衣服。
- One of the biggest hazards of glacier travel is breaking through a snow bridge and falling into a crevasse. 冰川行走其中一个最大的危险是雪桥断裂,接着掉进冰裂缝。
- He showed me a drawing of the glacier. 他给我看一张冰川图。
- Population fluctuation of aphids on crucifer vegetables in Hangzhou suburbs. 杭州郊区菜蚜种群的数量消长规律。
- Mt. Lushan with a lot of typical remains of glacier is the birthplace of the theory "Quarternary Glacier in China". 庐山是“中国第四纪冰川”学说的诞生地,是冰川遗迹最典型、最集中的山体。
- The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy. 经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。
- The “third pole” is hugely vulnerable to the effects of glacier retreat -- but the science is scarce. 面对冰川退缩,地球“第三极”显得无比脆弱,但对这里的科学研究还远远不够。
- It is very important for a company to follow the fluctuation of the market. 对于一个公司来说,跟上市场的发展变化非常重要。
- Crossed by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the range contains parts of Glacier and Mount Revelstoke national parks. 加拿大太平洋铁路穿越该山脉,山区内包括冰川国家公园一部分和雷夫尔斯托克山国家公园。