- flower morphological variation 花形变异
- The instability of morphological variation in flower of Z. grandiflora might be related to transposable genetic element. 花形变异的不稳定性可能与转座遗传因子有关。
- A broad range of morphological variation can be seen within this species. 广泛形态学上的变化可以被在本种内看见。
- The morphological variations of the flower and inflorescence in Brassica L. 芸苔(芥)属植物花和花序的形态变异.
- Cluster analysis indicated that 8 morphological variation types of S. baicalensis Georgi were grouped into 4 classes. 聚类分析结果表明,8个形态变异类型黄芩划分为4类。
- Different precursors might cause morphological variation due to difference in C-C bonding, H/C ratio, and precursor vapor pressure. 研究发现,不同的前驱物会因为本身的键结结构、碳氢原子比以及蒸汽压的大小造成不同的碳管形貌。
- ObjectiveTo describe the morphological variation of pointed teeth of buccal armature of Sergentomyia nankingensis in a supplementary study. 目的 对南京司蛉口甲和色板变化作补充描述。
- Tracking observation showed: morphological variation in flowers of Z. grandiflora was not stable, but these charecters could appear repeatedly in the same plant. 跟踪观察结果表明:韭兰的花形变异是不稳定的,但是可以在同一植株中重复出现。
- Morphological variation of populations 种群形态差异
- These data indicated that a normal morphologic variation exist on the superficial surface of horny cells. 四种多样性之表面形态未曾有人报告,本实验之发现可提供日后观察各种口腔上皮表面形态之参考。
- Gamete fertility and morphological variations in offsprings of triploidclones Populus tomentosa. 三倍体毛白杨配子育性及其子代形态变异研究。
- Conclusion Because living environment changes, morphology variation of Bungarus multicinctus appears. 结论可能由于蛇的生存环境发生了改变,故而出现了银环蛇的形态改变。
- Variation patterns and rule of morphology variation in Lilium regale Wilson was revealed to provide theoretical basis for introduction and domestication, and cross breeding. 摘要揭示岷江百合的形态变异式样及变异规律,为引种驯化、杂交育种提供依据。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- E. nutans was divided into 3 different groups (ecotypes) : typical E. nutans, high multi-spikelet E. nutans and spike-ramosed E. sibiricus base on their morphological variations. 垂穗披碱草分为典型垂穗披碱草、高大多小穗垂穗披碱草和分枝型垂穗披碱草3个类群(生态型)。
- A lot of new results were obtained by using the design: 1) the morphologic variation of the facture surface in different regions is the same as the microstructural variation. 大量的观察发现:1)与接头不同特征区的组织变化规律对应,断口形貌也有明显的连续变化特征。
- The flower languished from lack of water. 花因缺水而枯萎。
- What’s more, on the basis of SEM analysis, we revealed that the Cu2O nanocubes were 200 nm in edge and presented novel eight-leave flower morphology during different period of grown times. 当我们以柠檬酸钠作稳定剂,葡萄糖作还原剂时我们得到了立方状的氧化亚铜粒子,通过SEM表征分析这种纳米粒子边长大概在200 nm而且在不同的生长时期会出现类似于八瓣花状的形貌。
- I dare not touch the flower for its tenderness. 这花太娇嫩了,我不敢碰它。