- The captain used to work on a drifter. 船长曾在流刺网渔船上工作过。
- He's just a drifter he can't settle down anywhere. 他不过是个流浪汉--哪儿也呆不住。
- Floating objects or material; flotsam. 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料; 漂浮物
- For the past seven year, he live the life of a drifter. 在过去的七年中他过著流浪汉的生活。
- After the storm, the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam. 暴风雨后,海上漂浮着遇难船只的残骸和货物。
- Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war. 贫病交迫的难民都是在战争中流离失所的。
- Flotsam: We represent someone who can help you. 浮:我们是来帮你的。表现,描绘,扮演。
- W. and by his alter ego, "Luke the Drifter. W.;录的现存唱片中的大多数,"LuketheDrifter
- The frenzy can leave pink flotsam. 狂欢遗留下粉红色漂流物。
- Floating objects or material;flotsam. 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料;
- Flotsam: She has a very serious problem. 浮:她遇到了很严重的问题。
- There is nothing real in what he says; it's all flotsam and jetsam. 他讲的全不是真的,尽是些废话。
- His father was a general-store manager, a drinker and a drifter. 里根的父亲是一个综合商店的经理,一个四海为家的酒鬼。
- For the past seven year,he live the life of a drifter. 在过去的七年中他过著流浪汉的生活。
- The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of cch hewift. 那个漂泊者敏捷地将礼物换到电梯的左边.
- For the past seven years, he lived the life of a drifter. 在过去的七年中他过著流浪汉的生活。
- Collisions with small space flotsam can obliterate a ship. 与太空中很小的漂浮物的碰撞可能完全摧毁一艘飞船。
- Teasle: He was just another drifter who broke the law! 提索:他只不过是个犯法的流浪汉!
- No matter when and where, home is always the place open to drifter. 1无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。
- Some boats took direct hits, leaving nothing but flotsam. 有些小船被炮火直接命中,除了碎片什么也没留下。