- Influence of ENSO on Flood Frequency along the California Coast. 对加州沿岸洪水频率的影响。
- The overtopping model accounts for the uncertainties involved in hydrological observations and flood frequency models. 水坝溢顶模式考虑水文的观测量之不确定性以及洪水频率分布曲线之不确定。
- Cunnane,C.Statistical Distributions for Flood Frequency Analysis[M].WMO Operational Hydrology Report No.33,Secretariot of WMO,1989. 参考文献[8]中;自1153年计算至1990年;N取整为840年.;本文延至2004年(下同);故N取整为850年由此引起的经验频率值略有改变;但不影响已有的适线成果
- The flood quantile estimated by conventional seasonal flood frequency is less than or equal to annual maximum estimator,and can not satisfy a given flood prevention standard. 现行分期设计洪水模式估算的分期设计洪水值均小于或等于年最大设计值,达不到规定的防洪标准。
- Although the SH had no obvious LIA, the temperature anomaly for the SH was used for comparative purposes in the correlation analysis by examining the temperature and war frequency relationship. 因为南半球未曾发生过明显的小冰期,在我们关于温度与战争的相关关系分析研究中,对于南半球而言,把温度异常作为比较的标的。
- Research on flood frequency event with multiple variables 综合多特征量的洪水事件频率问题研究
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- Polynomial normal transforms in flood frequency analysis 水文频率分析中的多项式正态变换方法研究
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- The old bridge gave away by the recent flood. 最近一场洪水冲坍了那座旧桥。
- The flood inundated the whole district. 洪水淹没了整个地区。
- Fortunately, the flood did not break the dike. 还好,这场大水没有把堤坝冲坏。
- The flood waters gradually subsided. 洪水逐渐退去。
- This story is about people anterior to the flood. 这个故事是关于洪水时期以前的人们的。
- Several houses were carried away during the flood. 很多房子在洪水中被冲走了。
- Her child was washed away in the flood. 她的孩子让洪水给冲走了。
- He varied the transmission frequency. 他变换了无线电传送的频率。