- Nebulous assurances of future cooperation. 对未来合作的含糊的保证
- Gave a ballpark estimate of future unit sales. 对未来的单位销售法做出几近正确的估计
- The areas of future redevelopment are set down clearly on a map. 未来的开发区在地图上清晰地标出来了。
- Simple; the flexibility of the unit matters a lot. 简单来说,你部队的灵活性是关键。
- It has all the flexibility of assembly code. 它具备汇编语言的所有灵活性。
- The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。
- This "week plan," the flexibility of what? 这种“周计划”的灵活性怎样?
- Sales managers make estimates of future sales. 负责销售的经理,需要对未来的销售量进行估计。
- The power and flexibility of JXTA come at a price: complexity. JXTA的强大功能和灵活性是有代价的:复杂性。
- How the Price of Future Transaction be Found? 期货的价格是如何被发现的?
- Planning of Future Satellite Navigation Systems. 设计未来的卫星导航系统。
- Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble. 早期的错误可以酿成日后的麻烦。
- The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old. 人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。
- What is the metric of future library business? 如何衡量未来图书馆的营运?
- The thing of future can not be known. 未来的事无法知道。
- Where are those of future years? 后不见来者?
- How to lose sight of future, feel inky? 怎么看不见未来,感觉一片漆黑?
- Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy. 稳定还有赖于当地经济的灵活适应性。
- The cradle of future world leaders! 未来世界领袖诞生的摇篮!
- We needed China to enhance the flexibility of our diplomacy. 我们需要借助于中国来加强我们在外交上的灵活性。