- Continued improvement was made in the fiscal and tax systems. 财政税收制度继续完善。
- fiscal and tax reform 财税改革
- The State Council shall formulate fiscal and tax policies conducive to the implementation of cleaner production. 国务院应当制定有利于实施清洁生产的财政税收政策。
- the fiscal and tax system reform 财税体制改革
- Studies have been carried out to explore feasible fiscal and tax supporting policies for industrial restructuring and rejuvenating. 研究实行产业调整与振兴规划财税扶持政策。
- Tax disfigurement, discrepancy of tax collection and administration with imperfection of fiscal and tax system promote the imbalance of regional development. 税制缺陷、征管差异和财税体制不完备助推了区域间发展不平衡。
- Abstract: The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China. 内容提要 市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向运行,中西部地区承受着税负剪刀差。
- Koizumi's financial and tax reform policies prove to be hardly effective after long-term and many-sided discussion. 小泉财政.;税制改革;虽经长时、多方议论;但实效甚微。
- The tax reform was met with unanimous applause. 税制改革得到众口一词的称赞。
- New Thoughts on Rural Fee and Tax Reform 农村税费改革新思路
- The issue of tax reform became a political football. 税制改革这一问题成为备受人们争论的话题
- A Culture Perspective for the Choice of Fiscal and Tax System 现实文化与财税制度选择
- She staked her political career on tax reform, and lost. 她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。
- Large-scale Exploitation of the West and Fiscal and Tax policy 西部大开发与财税政策
- But the modest privatisation plans and tax reforms outlined in the budget fall well short of the thoroughgoing reforms local businesses and foreign investors were hoping for. 然而,预算中提及的适度私营计划和税制改革并不彻底,没有达到本国企业和外国投资者的期望值。
- fee and tax reform in rural area 农村费税改革
- Genroku age in Japan; problems of fiscal and commercial growth. 日本元禄时期(译注:1688-1704年);财政与商业成长问题。
- They were very defensive about their party's record on tax reform. 他们为他们的党在税制改革问题上的记录百般袒护。
- Keywords Urban Antipoverty;Redistribution;Fiscal and Tax Policy; 城市反贫困;再分配;财税政策;
- The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform. 他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革。