- first leg boat 第一次打水
- The boat Earthrace puls into harbor after completing the first leg of the attempt to break the round the world powerboat speed record, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 5,2008. 5月5日,世界上最快的绿色环保船“地球竞赛”完成第一阶段的环球之旅驶进波多黎各首都圣胡安市的海港。
- Tonight is the first leg of the Champions League knockout round. 今晚是那第一冠军的腿联盟击昏回合。
- Our first leg meant crossing almost 65 kilometres of Lake Ontario. 我们的第一段航程是飞越近 65公里的安大略湖。
- Premier Zhu completed the first leg of a five-nation tour. 朱总理完成了访问五国旅途中的第一段行程。
- Our best starter will run the first leg of the relay. 我队起跑最好的运动员跑第一棒。
- Chiarenza’s boys ran out 6-0 winners in the first leg. 在首轮比赛中,尤文的小伙子们曾经以6比0的比分横扫对手。
- The first leg of my trip to Southeast Asia was the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. 这次东南亚访问的首站是印尼首都雅加达。
- We don't want to rest on the laurels from the first leg tomorrow evening. 我们不会被第一回合的胜利冲昏头脑而消极迎战。
- United go to Pompey after the first leg and come to The Bridge the weekend after the second leg. 在1/4决赛首回合比赛结束后,他们需要赶往朴茨茅斯的庞贝球场,次回合结束后的那个周末,我们将在斯坦福桥迎接他们。
- Kanu WILL play in the Carling Cup semi-final first leg against Middlesbrough at Highbury on Tuesday night. 在周二晚阿森纳主场队米德尔斯堡的联赛杯半决赛第一回合中,卡努将上场。
- The first leg is easy, from the French port of Calais to Paris. And very comfortable too. 第一站旅程从法国加来港到巴黎,是适意的,而且十分轻松自在。
- Conceding an away score in the first leg at home was not ideal which makes this one of the toughest Champions League matches yet. 承认一离开得分在那第一腿在家不是仍然使最强硬的冠军联盟的这一个相配的理想。
- Tonight is the first leg of the Champions League semi-final round and what a massive match-up this is against the European champions Barcelona. 今晚是那第一冠军联盟准决赛的腿回合和什么一个巨大的比赛-提高这反对欧洲人保卫巴赛隆纳。
- The Bingyu Valley, known as the Little Guilin in southern Liaodong. This is the first leg of our trip to Dalian. Did I. 号称辽南小桂林的冰峪沟。
- Butcher had alre set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of winning had never been better. 和她的狗儿们前半段的优秀成绩。
- That would also mean he will miss the first leg of the Champions League qualifier and probably the second as well. 这也意味着永贝里将错过冠军杯预选赛第一轮,甚至第二轮。
- Marco Marchionni is also continuing his physiotherapy, after spraining his foot in the Italian Cup first leg match against Inter Milan. 在意大利杯首轮对国际米兰的比赛中扭伤脚后,马尔科.;马尔基奥尼还在继续着他的物理治疗。
- Rangers launch their Champions League campaign on Tuesday at home to Montenegrin side FK Zeta in the first leg of the second qualifying round. 流浪者将在周二开始他们的欧冠之旅,主场对阵黑山球队FK泽塔队,这只是晋级赛主客场制下的第一场。
- Liverpool head to Holland for the first leg of the Champions League quarter-final at PSV Eindhoven. 利物浦开赴荷兰备战欧洲冠军联赛1/4决赛第一回合客场对阵PSV埃因霍温的比赛.