- The time jitter is an important performance parameter of photoelectronic switch. 时间抖动是反映光电子开关性能的重要指标.
- Measured RMS time jitter of the recovered clock is 4.6ps at 1.25GHz. It consumes 100mA with 3.3V power supply. 在恢复时钟频率为 1 .;2 5GHz时测量的时钟有效值抖动为 4
- In hypothesis condition,the firing time model of ship to air missile firing at group target is established. 在一定假设条件下,对舰空导弹对群目标的射击次数建立计算模型。
- Experimental results shows the shaped 2.2 ns pulse has a rise time less than 50 ps,and it is precisely synchronized with the 100 ps pulse with time jitter less than 4 ps. 实验测得了该系统输出的2.;2 ns整形光脉冲具有小于50 ps的上升沿;与100 ps啁啾脉冲的时间抖动小于4 ps。
- Retroengine's firing time must the accuracy control, the firing time differ 1 second, will cause the airship point of descent position difference kilometer. 制动发动机的点火时间必须精确控制,点火时间相差1秒钟,就会使飞船落点位置相差数公里。
- This paper presented a ML estimator for the estimation of high-frequency sampling noise model to solve the problem that high-frequency sampling suffer from both additive noise and time jitter error estimation. 摘要针对高频数字采样中的附加噪声和时间抖动误差估计问题,给出了高频数字采样测量噪声误差的最大似然估计方法。
- Normality tests show that fire time of 105 Electric fire caps is distributed lognormally, its fire time reliabilities are respectively computed. 利用正态性检验方法,得出它的发火时间近似服从对数正态分布,并计算出了相应的发火时间性能可靠度。
- Scheduled subscriptions fall within the reporting interval when the firing time for the scheduled rule is greater than IntervalStartDateTime and less than or equal to IntervalEndDateTime. 当计划规则的触发时间大于IntervalStartDateTime且小于或等于IntervalEndDateTime时,计划订阅将在报告间隔期间发生。
- The mean square timing jitter performance of the CTL and the DTTL for MSK waveform PN code was analyzed in a wide range of symbol SNR. 仿真结果表明:在大信噪比条件下,数据转换跟踪环与码片跟踪环性能一致;
- The firing time for a typical ceramic body has a suitable range,of which upper boundary and lower boundary vary with the varity of ceramics,the thickness of body and thd firing temperature. 陶瓷制品烧成周期有一合适的调节范围,其上下限随制品类、壁厚及升温曲线的不同而变化。
- Under the condition of a quasi-squareware PN ranging code, the tracking (mean square timing jitter) performance of the CTL is analyzed. 分析对比了不同码片信噪比条件下的码片跟踪环和数据转换跟踪环跟踪性能。
- In this paper,timing jitter in soliton transmission with sliding filters is studied by the firs-torder perturbation theory. 本文通过微扰理论,对采用滑频滤波器控制的孤子系统的时间抖动进行了研究。
- The effect of thermal noise, 1/f noise and power substrate noise on the timing jitter and phase noise in VCO is explored. 对VCO中的热噪声、1/f噪声、电源衬底噪声等对输出的影响以及对各种噪声的抑制方法作了详细阐述。
- The important effect is that noise can cause timing jitter, which largely limits the single-channel bit rate and increases the error rate. 其中,重要的影响是产生时间抖动和减少通信容量。
- One way to reduce timing jitter is the use of narrow-band frequency-guiding filters periodically distributed along the transmission line. 控制孤子的时间抖动和相互作用的一个重要方法是在传输线中周期性地安放滤波器。
- The numerical results demonstrate that the larger the zone of timing jitter and the higher the frequency, the less proportion the discrete PSD component is in the total PSD. 数值计算结果表明,随时间抖动范围增大和频率提高,离散功率谱分量所占比例下降。
- Having a timing jitter of 14ps and eye amplitude of about 138mV,the measured output eye diagram for 10Gb/s NRZ pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) is clear and satisfactory. 在输入10Gb/s非归零(NRZ)伪随机二进制序列(PRBS)信号下;放大器输出眼图清晰;具有14ps的定时抖动和138mV的峰峰电压.
- Firemen reached the house on fire in time. 消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。
- The mean square timing jitter performance of the CTL and the DTTL for MSK waveform PN code is analyzed and compared over a wide range of symbol SNR in this paper. 本文分析对比了不同码片信噪比条件下,数据转换跟踪环和码片跟踪环均方时序抖动性能。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。