- Acedia and put in be of course it seems that 's charge. 而另一名推销员在了解这个后,却自告奋勇地前往。
- The Amani\'shi Warrior\'s Charge ability now has a minimum range. 阿曼尼战士的冲锋技能现在有最小距离了。
- His wife established an overriding interest in the property against the bank 's charge on it. 她妻子确定的财产利益比银行在此财产的抵债权更重要。
- More significant, Ramo’s charge that the current policy bureaucracy has failed us rings false. 更重要的是,雷默对于现行的官僚政策导致我们失败的这一指控也是错误连连。
- A countrywoman of year of close fifty years old, how can you be on this life not to put in a road 's charge? 一个年近半百的农妇,怎么会走上这条人生不归路呢?
- The CIO's charge was to find skilled talent at lower costs, and to identify work that was transactional and routine enough to be managed remotely. 首席技术官负责以较低的成本找到训练有素的人才,继而确定可有效互动、具有适当常规程序、便于远程管理的工作。
- When a HEV is working, the unregular frequent switch of nickel-hydrogen battery’s charge and discharge makes the current change in nonlinear law. 混合动力汽车在行车过程中,镍氢电池常处于充放电频繁切换、电流变化无规律的非线性状态。
- Tiger situation, hu Wei, tiger eye, tiger bravery, the tiger carries ursine waist on the back, all put in its under one's name 's charge. 虎势,虎威,虎目,虎胆,虎背熊腰,皆归它名下。
- Because of national influence constant evolution arrives in bureaucratism hand, and communal influence puts in a society 's charge all. 因为国家的权力常演化到官僚主义手中,而公社的权力则归社会所有。
- A brave fireman rescued the woman. 一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。
- Expressional is to plant return uncut jade to put in true connotation 's charge, explaining a thing square culture breath. 表现的是种返璞归真的内涵,诠释着东西方的文化气息。
- Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。
- The fulgurite after system transforms stands, person, money, thing is whole by the county farming report terminal puts in buccal management 's charge. 体制转变后的电管站,人、财、物全部由县农电总站归口治理。
- The fireman was suffocated by the fumes. 那个消防队员让浓烟憋死了。
- Hand of torch of every Olympic Games, the torch that oneself pass, it is reassign gives you abstruse advocate appoint, still put in an individual 's charge all? 每个奥运火炬手,自己传递完的火炬,是交还给你奥主委,还是归个人所有了?
- If complete not know the inside story and accord with market price, jural thinking this kind buys deed is kindness, commodity should put in Mr Wang 's charge all. 如果完全不知情且符合市场定价,法律上认为这种购买行为是善意的,商品应归王先生所有。
- The smoke had inflamed the fireman's eyes. 烟把消防队员的眼睛熏红了。
- From stand below " military orders shape " daystart, leading Party group of this one railway ministry begins to walk up " do not put in a road 's charge " . 从立下“军令状”的第一天开始,这一届铁道部党组开始走上“不归路”。
- The fireman bore the fainting girl out of the burning house. 消防队员把这个窒息昏迷的姑娘从燃烧着的房子里救了出来。