- Hardware implementation for the all-erasure RS decoder is proposed, including the finite field arithmetic operation units. 本文并提出纯粹抹除式里德所罗门解码器的硬体实现,包括有限体中的算数运算模组。
- A fast finite field multiplier is proposed in this paper. 提出了一种快速有限域乘法器结构。
- Multiplication over finite field is the most time consuming operation in implementing ECC, Actually multiplication over finite field is modular multiplication, The cryptographic processor performs multiplication over finite field GF(2~n) for ECC. 实现椭圆曲线密码系统最费时的就是有限域上的乘法,有限域上的乘法实际上是模乘,该协处理器能够为ECC处理有限域GF(2~n)上的乘法运算。
- First about its field operations. 先说战斗情况。
- The Polynomial-Basis Multiplier in the finite field is the key module to realizing ECC basic operations. 有限域上的多项式乘法器是实现ECC底层运算的关键模块。
- There are two applications to the RB.One is array processing and the other is quaternion finite field transform. 双复数有两种运用,一个用在阵列信号处理,另一个则用在四元有限场转换。
- These talents have been applied successfully in office management, field operation, purchasing, organizing and structuring of various departments. 这些才能在办公室管理、现场作业、采购、各部门的组建和调整上均成功地表现出来。
- The result of field operation shows, the equipment is used widely, the measuring is accurate, and the effect is good. 现场运行结果表明,该试验装置通用性较强、测试准确性较高、效果良好。
- To simplify reduction modulo, special polynomials are used to generate finite field GF(2m), such as AOP (all one polynomials) and trinomials. 为了简化模不可约多项式f(x)运算,采用特殊多项式AOP(allonepolynomials)和三项式,产生有限域GF(2m)。
- The paper describes some precautions in field operation and regular maintenance of MCEVOY "C" double ram valve. 本文简要介绍MCEVOY“C”型双闸板阀的现场操作及定期保养中的几个注意事项。
- A new high regular structure of partial parallel multiplier for irreducible trinomial generated finite field is proposed. 摘要 提出了一类新的具有高度规则性的部分并行三项式有限域乘法器架构。
- It is one of the technical problems in the field operation to choose the drilling fluid rheology model. 钻井液流变模式的选择是现场生产中经常遇到的技术问题。
- The finite field arithmetic, elliptic curve scalar multiplication and the related algorithms are investigated in this dissertation. 本文主要研究有限域运算算法和椭圆曲线数乘运算算法。
- You're energy field operating in a larger energy field. 你是在一个大的能量场中活动的能量场。
- This paper introduces three kinds of effective methods for tape transcribing in field operation of I/O Image System. 本文介绍了3种磁带拷贝的方法,便于仪器操作员根据野外实际情况灵活地进行磁带拷贝工作。
- In this paper we give a classification of elliptic curves over finite field Fp by the cardinality of elliptic curves and deduce some properties. 在这篇文章里;我们利用椭圆曲线的阶给出了椭圆曲线的一个分类;并推导出一些性质.
- XTR is a new public key system based on a method to represent elements of a subgroup of a multiplicative group of a finite field. XTR是一种新的基于有限域的乘法群的子群中元素迹的紧致表示的公钥密码体制。
- This processor that has choice parameter and high speed can apply to discretional elliptic curve based on finite field GF(m) with m less than 256. 该芯片可以支持m小于256的GF(m)域上任意可变曲线的ECC公钥密码算法,是一种系统参数可选择的高速椭圆曲线密码芯片。
- These talents have been applied successfully in office management. field operation, purchasing, organizing and structuring of various departments. 这些才能在办公室管理、现场作业、采购、各部门的组建和调整上均成功地表现出来。
- The computational intractability of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) over a finite field enhances security of the scheme. 利用有限域上椭圆曲线点群中的离散对数问题的难解性来增强协议的安全性。