- filter pore size distribution 过滤器孔径分布
- Metallic wire mesh filter has advantages of uniform pore size distribution and preferable permeability, and is suitable for purification of cryogenic liquid with high purity and security. 金属丝网过滤器具有理想均匀的孔径分布和优异的流体渗透性能,可适用于高洁净度、高安全性的低温液体净化系统。
- The results show that BET specific surface area of AC is 1 654 m2/g, with reasonable pore size distribution (PSD). 结果表明:活性炭的BET比表面积达1 654 m2/g,具有合理的孔径分布,主要在2 nm附近。
- Experimental procedure for determining pore size distribution of porous materials by bubbling test is described. 本文描述了气泡法测量多孔材料孔径分布的实验方法和数据处理。
- The developed technology is suitable for the production of low gage polymeric membranes of high porosity and narrow pore size distribution. 此技术适合生产用于多孔和细孔分离的低量剂聚合物薄膜。
- The pore size and the pore size distribution of CA and PAN UF membrane were determined by liquid-liquid displacement method. 利用液-液置换法测定了醋酸纤维ca超滤膜及聚丙烯腈PAN超滤膜的孔径及孔径分布。
- The method has no harm for the surface properties and pore size distribution of GAC. 78% of BET surface area and total pore volume were recovered. 方法对活性炭表面性质无损害,再生炭的BET比表面积和总孔容积可恢复到新炭的78%25,孔径分布基本无变化。
- The influence of pore size distribution on mass transfer in direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) was investigated. 文中考察孔径分布的存在对直接接触式膜蒸馏跨膜传质速率的影响。
- It may be concluded that the membrane pore size distribution should be taken into consideration in predicting the mass transfer rate in DCMD. 因此,考虑孔径分布的质量传递模型能更准确地描述直接接触式膜蒸馏的跨膜传质过程。
- The hydrated products and pore size distribution of high road fly ash cements were studied by means of XRD,DTA,Mercury porosimeter,etc. 采用X-射线衍射、差热分析、微量热计及压汞测孔仪对公路粉煤灰水泥的水化产物、水化放热曲线、孔尺寸分布进行了研究。
- Abundantly efficient absorption pore and narrow pore size distribution give ACF high absorption speed and desorption speed and large absorption capacity. 摘要活性碳纤维具有丰富的有效吸附孔,孔径分布窄,吸脱行程短,吸脱速度快,吸附容量大。
- Three kinds of phenolic resin-based spherical activated carbon(PHSAC) with different pore size distribution were prepared by adding pore-formers into novolac-type phenolic resin. 线型酚醛树脂中添加不同的造孔剂,制备出3种孔径分布的酚醛树脂基球形活性炭。
- The biological stability(assessed by AOC), had close relation to tannin value, and was increasing with the tannin value, but it had no velation to the pore size distribution. 滤池出水的生物稳定性与单宁酸值有密切关系,单宁酸值越低,出水的生物稳定性越高,与孔径的分布则没有关系。
- A test apparatus, based on the principle of liquid liquid displacement porometry was established for determining pore size distribution of inorganic membranes. 利用液体排除法实验测定了多孔陶瓷膜的孔径分布。
- Specific surface area and pore size distribution of calcium-based sorbent prepared under different conditions are measured, and their macro-structural characteristics analyzed. 对不同条件下制备的钙基吸着剂,测定了它们的比表面积、孔径及其分布,并分析其宏观结构的特点。
- The fractal dimension of pore size distribution is determined according to the slope of the correlative line between pore volume and pore diameter in logarithmic graphics. 本文建立了土体孔隙分布的分形模型,导出用分维和进气值表示的水分特征曲线和渗透系数的理论表达式。
- The system pressure changed the adsorption abilities and pore size distributions of carbide and activated carbon. 反应压力能够改变炭化产物和活化产物的吸附性能和孔径分布。
- The pore sizes distribution of mesoporous materials are adjusted by organic assistant reagent TMB(1,3,5-three toluol). 并通过添加有机辅助剂TMB(1,3,5-三甲苯)以调节介孔材料的孔径大小和孔径尺寸分布。
- In this paper, Physical and chemical structures of pitch based high surface area activated carbon(PHAC) were studied by ASPP2000, XPS,SEM and TEM. Pore size distribution and pore structural parameters of PHAC were determined by N_2 adsorption(at 77K). 本文用ASAP2000吸附仪测定了吸附性能优异的沥青基高比表面积新型活性碳(PHAC)的BET比表面积、用BJH和DRS法分析了其孔隙结构参数,用XPS测定了PHAC的表面元素组成及含氧官能团,对PHAC的表面形态结构进行了SEM和TEM观察。
- The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms is type IV curves, according to BDDT classification. The samples have a large BET specific surface area (817.1 m2/g) and a narrow pore size distribution (2.7 nm). NZ等温吸附一脱附结果表明该材料具有中孔结构特征的等温吸附线和回环,具有较窄且均一的孔径分布,BET比表面积为8一7一mZ/g,最可几孔径为2.;7nrn。