- The secret of happiness is to fill one's life with activity. 幸福的秘诀是使生活充满活力。
- Mr Chaudhry was elevated, in 2000, to fill one of the gaps. 乔杜里先生正是在2000年时为填补空缺而提升上来的。
- I suspect that owner will be more careful about removing his dog’s collar when crating it in the future. . 感激地,与手术(和一张重的票据为所有者),狗没有生存并且有长期不良后果从他异常的饮食选择。
- The fragrance (of ... ) fills one's nostrils. 芳香扑鼻
- When a tape drive is used, a backup operation may fill one tape and continue onto another tape. 在使用磁带机时,备份操作可能会写满一个磁带,并继续在另一个磁带上进行。
- Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grape skin and pulp are tossed to the birds. 一瓶葡萄美酒需要千百颗果子酿制而成,果皮和渣子抛给小鸟。
- In the bottom leaf, a rocky slope and temple fill one corner as meandering shoals criss-cross an expanse of water. 三幅为一角式构图,主题古庙坡石偏居右下角,隔江沙洲绵延,一片江天辽阔之景。
- Pure pure emotion fill one pieces of plain letter paper, if shuttleless loom knit sober a dawn right away. 纯纯的情感装满了一张张素雅的信纸,如梭地织就了清醒的黎明。
- In so doing, nature can fill one to the brim so that one will have enough chi and push to continue to ascend. 当这样做,自然界能充满你使你满溢,以为了你将有足够的气和推进持续提升。
- The facts in themselves were not of a sort to fill one with much hope, but there was faith enough to make up for it, and to spare. 这些事实本身确实不那么使人感到欢欣鼓舞,但是信仰足以弥补缺陷,而且绰绰有余。
- When hand washing dishes do not rinse under a running tap. Fill one sink with washing water and the other with rinse water. 手洗碗碟时,别一直开水喉冲洗,应在一个盆槽放洗洁精水,另一个盆槽放清水。
- Select entries in playlist by filling one or more fields. 填写一个或多个域来在列表中选择项目。
- English: Select entries in playlist by filling one or more fields. 透过填写一个或多个栏位来选取清单项目。
- Auckland plans on filling one of its many extinct volcanoes with sewage. (第一大城)克兰计画将污物填到境内许多死火山的其中一座。
- Readiness to help others is widely assumed to fill one with happy memories. But the nine-year-old girl's experience of helping an old lady, as was reported, told a different story. 人们普遍认为乐于助人会给人以美好的回忆。但据报道,这个九岁女孩帮助一位老妇人的经历表明并非如此。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- No matter what he does, he will fill his collar. 无论做什么他都尽职尽责。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。