- Fight Fire with Protection from Fire. 掌握御火奇术后再与火搏斗。
- The National Guard has been called out to help fight fire. 国民警卫队奉命出动去帮助扑灭大火。
- People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. 以火攻火者,结果只剩一片灰烬。
- Kurosawa's peasants decided to fight fire with fire. 黑泽明电影中的农民决定以其之道还治其身。
- River water is used in fighting fires. 用河水灭火。
- Three Chicago firefighters fight fire in a simulator during a daytime drill. 白天演习中,三位芝加哥消防队员扑灭模拟器中的火。
- Preparing to fight fire with fire, Steed is paired with the unflappable Mrs. 经过一轮调查,两人发现这可能是昔日英国部长、现在富甲一方的奥古斯所为。
- CBZ Series marine pumps are used at cabin bottom to cool water and fight fire. CBZ系列船用卧式直联自吸式离心泵适用于船舶作压载泵、舱底泵、冷却泵、消防泵及总用泵等。
- Meanwhile, fire paint, Caigang windows, wood floors and other new types of synthetic materials has also become a decorative building Jinjiang new economic development prospects. 同时,防火涂料、彩钢门窗、合成木地板等新型建筑装饰材料也已成为晋江经济发展的新亮点。
- And fire paints the plains. 战火燃遍平原。
- It shows Harry, Ron and Hermione fighting fire newts, and then being attacked by a dragon. [more... 其中展示了哈利,罗恩和赫敏对抗火蝾螈,以及后来被一条龙攻击的场景。
- A boat equipped to fight fires along waterfronts and on ships. 救火艇是为扑灭沿水滨区和船上大火而装备起来的船。
- Top: Boy and Girl Scouts fight fires in heavily bombed Shanghai. 在敌机轰炸下,我童子军冒险参加救火工作(上);
- A member of a fire department who fights fires. 消防队员消防队中灭火的成员
- CLZ series marine vertical self-priming centrifugal pumps are used at cabin bottom to cool water and fight fire. CLZ系列船用立式自吸离心泵适用于船舶压载泵、舱底泵、冷却泵、消防泵及总用泵等。
- A cloud of vaporized liquid,especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires. 化学喷雾一团汽化的液体,尤指用于救火的化学喷雾剂
- Our goal here is to fight fire with fire so to speak, and come back at the negatives with positives, almost like reprogramming a computer. 这么说吧,我们的目标是“以火攻火”,用积极的事物向消极的事物做出反应,基本和重行对计算机编程一样。
- Series marine vertical self-priming centrfugal pump Application:CLZ Series marine pumps are used at cabinbottom tocool water and fight fire. CLZ系列船用立式自吸离心泵适用于船舶压载舱底泵、冷却泵及消防泵等。
- If we had fought fire with fire,we would have suffered a great many casualties. 如果硬斗硬,我们伤亡会很大。
- But if my opponent wants to play dirty and talk about my personal life, I have no choice but to fight fire with fire and talk about some personal things we've found out about him. 但是,要是我的对手要耍下流手段,谈论有关我私生活的事,那我就别无选择,只好以其人之道还其人之身了,把我们发现有关他私生活的事也公布于众。