- fibre board case 纤维板箱
- Coconut fibre can be made into mats. 椰子纤维能织成席。
- Fibre can improve intestinal function and prevent constipation. 纤维有助改善肠道功能,预防便秘。
- So the experts also namedl bambaoo fibre as "fibre can breath". 因此业内专家又称竹纤维为"会呼吸"的纤维。
- Sheet cloth, cotton cloth, man-made fibre can use tailor pillowcase. 床单布、棉布、人造纤维都可以用来缝制枕套。
- Vinylon fibre can improve the bending strength, fracture energy, fracture toughness and impact toughness. 维尼纶纤维能提高复合材料的杭折强度、断裂能、断裂韧性和冲击韧度;
- Using computer, the diameter of fine fibre can be correctly measured andcontrolled during the wiredrawing technology, its error rate is under 5%. 用微机配合可以监测拉丝工艺中的细丝直径,精度在5%25以内。
- May 17, the West City District Court of Chaoyang District, and for such Xibahe Syli 3 No. 92 households sued Beijing Planning Board case, verdict, the plaintiff had the results. 5月17日,西城区法院就又对这样一起朝阳区西坝河西里3号楼92户居民状告北京市规划委员会案,作出一审判决,结果原告败诉。
- The experimental results show that sisal fibre can made high performance of chemical pulp by using the SE-NaOH pulping under a small quantity of alkalis and little time. 研究表明,剑麻纤维采用爆破-烧碱制浆方法,在低碱量、短时间的条件下,能制得高性能的剑麻化学浆。
- This paper proves that polycrystalline mullite fibre can be used in rolling heating furnace which burns heavy oil by analyzing the selection,construction and effects of material. 本文通过对材料的选用、施工以及使用效果进行分析,论述了多晶莫来石纤维可以在燃用重油的轧钢加热炉上使用。
- This single fibre can support multiple phone lines 60-megabit-per-second internet access and over 400 television channels with plenty of capacity to spare. 单根光缆的容量充足,可以同时支持多个电话、一个60兆互联网接入和超过400个电视频道。
- Glass; plastics; aggregates and textiles can be salvaged for re-use, while the sterile fibre can be converted into valuable, inert refuse derived fuel (RDF). 玻璃、塑料、集料与纺织品可以回收并再次使用,同时无菌纤维可以转化为有价值的惰性垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)。
- middle-density fibre board in dry way 中密度纤维板
- This rule cannot be applied to every case. 这项规则不是所有情况都使用。
- Corrugated fibre board for export products 出口產品包装用瓦楞纸板
- Because nowadays there are many further uses to which this laminated cardboard made of wood fibres can be put. 因为这种用木头制成的薄板制品,如今有很多再利用的方法。
- complete equipment for fibre board plant 纤维板厂成套设备
- In any case he can not give up it. 他无论如何不会放弃它。
- Tomato fibre can improve apparently intestinal peristalsis,and increase dejection amounts,weights,and elevate defecation frequents. 结果显示番茄纤维能明显促进小鼠小肠运动、增加粪便粒数、重量和提高排便频率。
- In this case, I can double for penalty. 假如这样的话,我可以叫加倍了。