- Fiberglass cloth reinforced for grinding whee. 玻璃纤维增强砂轮网布。
- Fiberglass cloth reinforced for grinding wheel. 用于制作增强砂轮用网片。
- We look for the technician who can help in manufacturing of Aluminise Fiberglass Cloth. 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。
- Produce: cloth for garment, sofa, decoration, fiberglass cloth, wall paper, basic of carpet, lining. 可织造产品:服装面料;沙发布;装饰布;工业用各种玻璃纤维布;墙纸布;地毯底布;西装里衬.
- The key is that it was interwoven with fiberglass cloth as the axial forces will slam the coil turns together and short them out. 关键在于,它是相互交织与玻纤布为轴向力将大满贯线圈轮流一起和短期出来。
- It is made of fiberglass cloth soaking and coating in the mixed solution with no any halogen and high efficient inorganic flame retardants, compounding metal hydrates, through the advanced processes of resin-soaking, heat-curing etc. 是在玻璃纤维上浸涂上不含任何卤素及配有高效无机阻燃剂、加金属水合物等混合溶液,经浸胶热固化等先进工艺流程制作而成。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- Please give the table a good rub with this cloth. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。
- The woollen cloth prickles (my skin). 穿毛料衣服(使我的皮肤)有被扎的感觉。
- He flicked away the dust with a cloth. 他用一块布拂去灰尘。
- The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的。
- A cloth was seared by the heat of the oven. 一块布被烤箱烧焦了。
- This cloth is of medium quality. 这种布质量平平。
- I rubbed the window with a cloth. 我用一块布擦窗子。
- The thread seems to match the cloth. 这线和这布似乎很相称。
- This piece of cloth was eaten by a moth. 这块布被蠹虫蛀坏了。
- This kind of cloth has a close texture. 这种布质地很紧密。