- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- fetishistic transvestism 恋物症性易装症(F65.;1)
- Women's underclothes are a common fetish. 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。
- Mary makes a fetish of her home; she's always cleaning it. 玛丽太看重她的房子了,她老是不停地打扫。
- Some women make a fetish of clothes. 有些妇女过于注重衣着。
- An African charm, fetish, or amulet. 一种非洲咒语、物神或护身符
- She has a fetish about cleanliness. 她有洁癖。
- Fetish Recall - Fact or Fiction? 事实还是虚构?
- You always did have something of a danger fetish. 你总是过于求险冒进。
- Stargazers cannot take Fetish or Resources. 不能有偶像或者资源。
- An African charm,fetish,or amulet. 一种非洲咒语、物神或护身符
- However, transvestism is not just a sexual variation. 然而,变装不仅仅是变异的性活动。
- His fetish for style is unbelievable. 他迷恋时尚简直到了叫人不敢相信的地步。
- Women's underclothes are a common fetish . 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物.
- No forbidden love, no strange fetish. 没有禁忌之爱,也没有奇怪的迷恋。
- The beloved is the ultimate fetish. 我爱的人是我最后的偶像。
- He makes a fetish of his new car. 他把自己的新汽车奉若神明.
- A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo. 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语
- The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish. 恋物癖把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上
- Mary makes a fetish of her home;she's always cleaning it. 玛丽太看重她的房子了,她老是不停地打扫。