- This is I, glistens female student. 这就是我,一个闪亮的女生。
- Female student C: We should find a seat for her. 女学生c :我们应该找到一个座位给她。
- Schools recognise that women are a big potential growth market, yet their efforts to attract more female students are making little headway. 商学院意识到,女性是一个拥有巨大增长潜力的市场,不过它们吸引更多女性学员的努力几乎毫无进展。
- Thereare at least a dozen oversea female students' complaints. 这至少有一打海外女留学生在抱怨。
- Female student C: We'd better stay away from those strange people. 女学生c :我们最好远离那些奇怪的人。
- I am a female student from University of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. 我是一个女学生从大学布基纳法索,瓦加杜古。
- Was it gender discrimination or were the female students simply superior writers? 是性别歧视还是女生天生就是擅长于写作呢?
- As Ms.Hayakawa discovered,an unspoken part of the ritual is the shunting of female students onto the secretarial track or other dead-end jobs. 正如早川小姐所觉察到的那样,这种套路的言外之意,就是将女性学生推到秘书或其他没有发展前途的工作上去。
- The three female students sleep on a separate floor from the men,and the stairwell between them is walled off. 3个女同学单独住一楼层,与男生之间的楼梯以墙相隔。
- My professors,both men and women,consistently made comments about the superiority of the female students. 我的教授不管是男是女,总是评价女生的优越性。
- Occasional griping about dim romantic prospects aside,most female students realize how far they've come. 大多数女生除了有时抱怨不太乐观的、不现实的前景外,她们认识到她们已经走得多远了。
- Viola: I hope they catch him soon. Until they do all the female students on campus are going to feel very vulnerable. 怀娥拉:希望警方快点把他抓到吧。那人一天未抓到,校园里所有女同学都会感到很不安全。
- The ratio of female students in middle school and in university rose from 42.2 and 33.7 percent to 44.3 and 34.5 percent respectively. 中学生、大学生中的女性比例分别由1990年的42.;2%25、33
- Female students constitute the majority of our class. By contrast, their class is made up of males only. 我们班女生占大多数。相比之下,他们的班级全由男生组成。
- The dear all male students and the female student, welcome presence SF in circlesteacher's happy circle! 亲爱的所有男生和女生,欢迎光临谢黎翔老师的欢乐圈圈!
- Thirty four female students in their early twenties rated the attractiveness of each face on a scale of 1 to 7. 三十四名二十岁多岁的女学生对这些面孔的吸引力按1到7分进行了投票。
- Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree. 学校同专业男女招收比例的利弊。
- The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, so too the male dormitory to the female students. 女生宿舍将全面谢绝男生的光顾,男生宿舍也同样不得进入女生。
- The three female students sleep on a separate floor from the men, and the stairwell between them is walled off. 3个女同学单独住一楼层,与男生之间的楼梯以墙相隔。
- The female student not only has an attractive semblance, should someintrinsic tutelage and the wisdom. 回复:女生不光有一个漂亮的外表,更应该有一个内在的修养和智慧。怎样译成英语?