- He harangue his fellow student and persuade them to walk out. 他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。
- He harangued his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out. 他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。
- She finds it difficult to relate to her tutors and fellow students. 她发觉很难与她的老师和同学们相处融洽。
- Polly and Tian are fellow students. 波利和田是学生。
- She was belabored by her fellow students. 她被她的男学生嘲弄了。
- Immediately,leonardo outshone his fellow students. 过不了多久,达芬奇就比别的学生更为优秀。
- He was chairman of the students association. 他任学生会主席。
- I just joined a new student association. 我只是加入了一个新的学生协会。
- His attitude towards his fellow students is quite right. 他对同学的态度很正确。
- He towers above his fellow students in mathematical ability. 他在数学才能方面军胜过他的同学。
- He harangued his fellow students and presuaded them to walk out. 他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。
- He seemed to prefer to go travelling with his fellow students. 他似乎更喜欢和他的同学一起去旅行。
- He harangued his fellow student and persuaded them to walk out. 他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。
- Hong Kong. Northcote College of Education. Students' Association. 罗师学生.;香港
- Welcome to Algonquin College Chinese Students' Association (ACCSA)! 欢迎来到亚岗昆学院中国学生会!
- My fellow students were nearly all the sons of landlords or merchants. 我的同学几乎全是地主或商人的子弟。
- He haranguehis fellow student and persuade them to walk out. 他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。
- He gloated over his fellow student's failure to win the prize. "他的同学未能获奖,他却幸灾乐祸。"
- Nova Southeastern University Taiwanese Student Association. 诺瓦东南大学台湾同学会.
- The eye follows bashful escape to lie between male fellow student. 眼睛跟着害羞的避开隔座的男同学。