- The distinctive hexagonal shell, long legs, and claws of this delicate-looking feather star crab help it blend in with its host, the crinoid or feather star. 特有的六角形壳、修长的足和螯,这些特征让美丽的羽星蟹隐身于它的宿主羽毛星(属于海百合纲,腔肠动物)的庇护下。
- Yu Morisawa is just an ordinary girl.One day, she is given a magic cane by people from Feather Star, the land of magic.She is given the right to use the magical powers for one year. 一天,十岁的活泼女孩小桃,看见天上有只闪闪生光的飞船,于是她便驾著爸爸的车子追去,到了船上后,指点了迷路的阿基回家的方向,阿基为了感谢她,便赠小桃可以使用一年的魔法的能力。
- Parasitic snails on feather star 羽毛星上的瓷光螺
- The starfish along with sea urchins and relatives including feather stars, brittle stars, basket stars, sea daisies, sea lilies, and sea cucumbers make up the Phylum Echinodermata. 海星,以及海胆、毛头星、海蛇、筐鱼、海菊花、海百合、海参组成了棘皮门动物。
- Any of various echinoderms of the class Crinoidea, including the sea lilies and feather stars, that are characterized by a cup-shaped body, feathery radiating arms, and either a stalk or clawlike structure with which they are able to attach to a surface. 海百合纲动物任一种属于海百合纲的棘皮动物,包括有海百合以及毛头星等,其特征是身体成杯状,有羽状外延腕和可以吸附在海底的肉柄或爪状结构
- Any of various marine invertebrates of the class Crinoidea, such as the sea lilies and feather stars, that are attached to a surface by a stalk when young but may be free-swimming as adults. 海羊齿一种海百合类海洋生无脊椎动物,如带柄海百合及毛头星,幼年时漂浮,成年时可自由游动。
- Any of various marine invertebrates of the class Crinoidea,such as the sea lilies and feather stars,that are attached to a surface by a stalk when young but may be free - swimming as adults. 海羊齿一种海百合类海洋生无脊椎动物,如带柄海百合及毛头星,幼年时漂浮,成年时可自由游动。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- A feather floated down on the wind. 一根羽毛随风飘落。
- He has an urge to become a cinema star. 他渴望当一名电影明星。
- The chicks will soon feather out. 小鸟就要长出羽毛来了。
- She is crazed about the film star. 她对那位影星着迷。
- All but the morning star have disappeared. 除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。
- The children mobbed the baseball star. 孩子们欢呼着朝那棒球明星围上去。
- feather stars; formerly called family Comatulidae. 羽星;曾为羽星目中一科。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage. 羽、翼或鳍状结构羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物
- The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
- The film star held court in the hotel lobby. 这位电影明星在旅馆的大厅里接见了影迷。
- She danced, light as a feather, eyes shining. 她舞步轻快,两眼亮闪闪的。