- Their ship is quarantined in New York Harbor, and many of the steerage passengers are permitted to die there of cold and starvation as New Yorkers, fearful of contagion, seek to save their own skins. 他们的船在纽约港受到了隔离,纽约人害怕传染病,为了保护自己的皮肤(免受传染),任由末等舱的乘客在寒冷和饥饿中死去。
- He is patient of cold and hunger. 他能忍饥挨冻。
- What drug should a time of cold and cough take? 感冒和咳嗽的一起时候应该吃什么药?
- The terrible fear of unemployment and starvation hangs over large numbers of workers in the capitalist world. 失业与饥饿的恐怖威胁着资本主义国家的大批工人。
- They live in continual fear of starvation. 他们生活在不断的饥饿恐惧中。
- Since this autumn, it's been lying by my side for this coldblooded girl's fear of cold. 从秋天起它就搬到我床上睡了,因为我怕冷。
- I have a bad cold and I am full of catarrh. 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕。
- I've a bad cold and I'm full of catarrh. 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕。
- He left an hour early for fear of missing the train. 他提早一小时离开,惟恐错过那次火车。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 对失败的恐惧不断地激励着她。
- I've got a cold and so I have no taste/have lost my sense of taste. 我伤风了,尝不出味道。
- Usually, it also goes numb, so that the feeling of cold and pain disappears. 通常会变为麻木,以致寒冷与疼痛的感觉消失。
- The fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 怕死就未免有些可鄙、有些不光彩了。
- At the same time, the mixing of cold and hot fluid may be enhanced by LV. LV也能加强通道内冷热流体交混,起到强化传热的作用。
- The thief went in constant fear of discovery. 那贼时刻都在担心被人发现。
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey. 约翰勇敢地没有借药物的帮助就断然戒掉了毒瘾。
- He was pinched with cold and hunger. 他饥寒交迫。
- All religions are found on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few. 所有一切宗教,都是建立在大多数人的恐惧心与极少数人的聪明劲儿之上的。
- His manner was cold and indifferent. 他的态度既冷淡又无动于衷。