- He was afraid the secret papers might fall into the wrong hands. 他担心秘密文件会落到坏人手里。
- He was afraid that the secret papers might fall into the wrong hands. 他担心秘密文件会落到坏人手里。
- The password system has its flaws because people can figure out the password or it may just fall into the wrong hands. 但密码系统也有缺陷屈为人们可以解码,或密码可能会落入他人手中。
- This is why peoples all over the world traditionally hide lost body parts,lest they fall into the wrong hands. 这就是为什么全世界各个民族都习惯于把身体上脱落的东西藏起来,以免落入恶人之手。
- We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. 我们不想使这份文件落到不当的人手中。
- Will you eat the donut before it falls into the wrong hands? 请问你吃的甜甜圈前到坏人之手?
- And if the CA certificate fall into the wrong hands, outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization. 一旦CA证书落到不正当的人手中,外部的人就可以创建证书伪装成您公司的一个合法成员。
- Facing death, Arthur ordered one of his knights Bedivere to throw Excalibur into a lake, so that the sword could not fall into the wrong hands. 临终时,亚瑟命令拜德维尔爵士把神剑埃克斯卡利伯投入湖中,使之不致落入恶人之手。
- Before passing away, Wong Chung Yeung left the 9 Yum Jen Ging in the care of his younger sect brother, Chow Bak Tung ... beseeching him not to let it fall into the wrong hands. 这是未知有多少9荫仁静黄重阳节据悉,在他的剩余寿命,这并不延长很长时间后,他的胜利在华山比赛。
- The dwarves have begged the players to stop the Orcs at all costs, to stop their mining of Mithril, and to collect any sacred tools and artifacts which may have fallen into the wrong hands. 这些矮人已经乞求玩家无论任何代价来阻止兽人,来阻止他们采秘银矿,以及从那些堕落的兽人手中收集任何神圣的武器和工艺品。
- I will hate my diary to get into the wrong hand. 我不愿意别人看我的日记。
- I would hate my diary to get into the wrong hands. 我不愿意别人看我的日记。
- Private key should not fall into the wrong hands 专用密钥不应落入其它人手中
- As most companies, and in particular those in the financial sector, retain confidential information on electronic media, they are justifiably paranoid about data falling into the wrong hands. 由于多数公司,尤其是金融业中的公司都拥有记录在电子介质上的保密数据,他们有理由担心数据落到不该拥有的人手里。
- As most companies,and in particular those in the financial sector,retain confidential information on electronic media,they are justifiably paranoid about data falling into the wrong hands. 由于多数公司,尤其是金融业中的公司都拥有记录在电子介质上的保密数据,他们有理由担心数据落到不该拥有的人手里。
- Knowing the power that his prophecies contained, and wary of this power falling into the wrong hands, Michel de Nostradamus scrambled both the meaning and the order of his quatrains. 诺查丹玛斯意识到了他的预言能力所包含的力量,而这种力量的很大部分又落入坏人手上,他在他的四行诗里面故意把意思和次序都打乱。
- Roy:He was keeping the gate from falling into the wrong hands! Well, falling further into the... wronger hands, I guess. 他只是不想让那扇大门落入坏人的手里而已!唔,我猜,是再次落入...更坏的人手里。
- fallen into the wrong hand v. 落入不合适的人的手中
- fall into the wrong hand vi. 落入不合适的人的手中
- fell into the wrong hand v. 落入不合适的人的手中