- fall all over yourself vt. 跌倒(极想)
- fell all over yourself v. 跌倒(极想)
- The hostess fell all over her guests. 女主人集中注意力于她的宾客。
- The officials fell all over the foreign diplomat. 那些官员集中注意力于那位外国的外交官。
- Snow is falling all over the country. 全国各地都在下雪。
- Mrs Watson fell all over her distinguished guest in an attempt to make him completely comfortable. 沃森太太对她的贵宾殷勤备至,力求让他感到十分舒适。
- All Tina had to do was to wear a short skirt, and men were falling all over her. 蒂娜所必须做的是穿上短裙,男人们会拜倒在她的脚下。
- If you have a big cushy chair in your office you might as well just slather butter all over yourself and send yourself naked into the woods for the wild animals to attack you. 如果你的办公室总备着一把舒服的大椅子,你不如自觉点儿在自己身上抹上黄油,赤身裸体钻进林子里喂野兽去。
- Everywhere she goes, people fall all over her because she has an important position in the government. 她每到一个地方,人们总是注意它,因为她在政府中居要职。
- fallen all over yourself v. 跌倒(极想)
- A timely snow fell all over the north China area yesterday. 昨日华北普降瑞雪。
- She has been loving David very much, but she has never fallen all over him. 她一直非常爱大卫,但她从未向他表达爱慕之情。
- All Tina had to do was to wear a short skirt,and men were falling all over her. 蒂娜所必须做的是穿上短裙,男人们就会拜倒在她的石榴裙下。
- She has been loving David very much,but she has never fallen all over him. 她一直非常爱大卫,但她从未向他表达爱慕之情。
- Snow fall all night on the mountain. 山里下了整整一夜的雪。
- When the taxi driver found the lady's purse and returned it,she fell all over him. 当出租车司机找到了那位女士的钱包并归还给她时,她对他感激万分。
- When the taxi driver found the lady's purse and returned it, she fell all over him. 当出租车司机找到了那位女士的钱包并归还给她时,她对他感激万分。
- Don't let Tony walk all over you like that; why don't you assert yourself more? 别让托尼盛气凌人地对待你,你为何不更多地显示威力呢?
- You know, I'm actually getting excited about my haircut-I can't wait to have girls falling all over me! 现在我对自己的发型很期待,我都等不及看到女孩们为我的发型而跌倒了。
- You needn't have come over yourself. 你本来不必亲自过。