- A good face needs no band,a pretty wench no land. 英俊的小伙子无需吹鼓手;漂亮的村姑无需田地.
- The dewlap area around the face needs daily cleaning. 脸部皱起部分需要每天清理。
- A good face needs no band, and a pretty wench no land. 英俊的小伙子无需吹鼓手;漂亮的村姑无需田地.
- Fair face need no paint. 貌美不须施脂粉。
- To face needs great persistence;To hide requires great patience;To surrender forsakes dignity and nature.Life is not born for bright sunshine or vanity dreams. 面对需要顽强的毅力,退隐需要超凡的耐心,投降则放弃了人的正直和本性。
- After all, must walk from the old vehicle shadow, not only the fresh face needs to inherit all merits, but is also certain has the forte, is not really easy. 毕竟,要从老车型的阴影中走出来,新面孔不但要继承所有的优点,还一定得有过人之处,实在不容易。
- A good face needs no paint. 美貌无需涂抹。
- A good face needs no painting. 脸俊不需施脂粉。
- The town needs to have its whole face lifted. 这座城镇的整个市容都需要加以改善。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- Fair faces need no paint. 貌美毋须修饰。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。
- A dash of water in his face will revive him. 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- Her face was overclouded with grief. 她的脸色因悲伤而变阴沉。
- His ashen face showed how shocked he was. 他面如土色,说明他多么惊骇。