- Presented a careful argument for extraterrestrial life. 提出关于地球外生命的详细论证
- Methane may have extraterrestrial significance. 甲烷具有星际意义。
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home. 在家搜索地外文明的缩写。
- Presented a careful argumentfor extraterrestrial life. 提出关于地球外生命的详细论证。
- Extraterrestrial alien invasion, take up arms to defend themselves! 外星异形入侵了,拿起武器来保卫自己吧!
- You must understand how to discern the extraterrestrial energies. 你们必须懂得如何辨别宇宙的能量。
- Extraterrestrial life has often become the subject of science fiction films. 科幻片经常以外星生命为主题。
- The good example is SETI project (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). 例如塞蒂好项目(搜寻外星智慧)。
- Various extraterrestrial alien you will never have, it quickly killed them. 各种外星异形都将向你从来,赶快干掉他们吧。
- The question of extraterrestrial civilizations seems to me entirely open. 外星文明的疑问对于我来说显然整个还是开始。
- The extraterrestrial would say we all speak dialects of one common language. 这位外星人会觉得,我们都在讲一种语言中的不同方言。
- Soon after his career went stratospheric, Jackson went extraterrestrial. 不久之后他的职业生涯进入了平流层,杰克逊去了“外星球”。
- They claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings. 他们声称在同外星人保持联络。
- COROT has already discovered the smallest extraterrestrial planet so far. 天文学家这月稍早指出,克罗特卫星已发现目前最小的地球外的行星。
- UFOs are the result of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations. 不明飞行物是由于活动的外星文明。
- saucerman;Man from outer space;extraterrestrial(ET);spaceman 外星人
- Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance. 仅仅发现一个地外文明世界就会具有很深的意义。
- A small round granule of extraterrestrial origin found embedded in some meteorites. 陨星粒养体嵌在某些陨星上的来自行星际的小圆颗粒
- The measurement is complicated by the presence of a component due to fast and high-energy neutrons of extraterrestrial origin. 测量由于地球外部产生的快速高能中子而变得复杂化了。
- One of the keys came out of an extraterrestrial contact when the contactee asked how the craft operated. 当被接触者问到工艺如何运作,其中一把钥匙是用作与宇宙接触的。