- extragalactic nova 河外新星
- Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova. 斯科特船长从新星地启航。
- Extragalactic nebula is invisible to the naked eye. 我们用肉眼是看不到河外星系的。
- He was packed off to school in Nova Scotia. 他被打发到新斯科舍去上学了。
- Catcher Block: Blame it on the bossa nova. 全怪巴萨诺瓦吧。
- It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia. 秋夜,我的故乡新斯科舍的秋夜。
- Chen Wenlong NOVA Product Design LTD. 浩瀚设计公司总经理
- Note: Improved Frost Nova has been removed. 强化霜星被移除。
- Fire Nova Totem: Now no longer generates threat. 火焰新星图腾:现在不再产生仇恨。
- Impactor and Nova found the Wreckers. 撞针与天威组建回收救援队。
- Al glacio printempa kaj al amiko tro nova ne fidu. 不要信赖春天的冰层和初交的朋友。
- Holy Nova's mana cost has been reduced. 神圣新星的法力消耗降低。
- Priests - Dispell the Frost Nova. 牧师-驱散冰霜新星。
- Fire Nova Totem's mana cost has been reduced. 火焰新星图腾消耗的法力值减少。
- "Extragalactic nebula" is a former name for "galaxy". “外星云”是“星系”的曾用名。
- Poison Dagger, Poison Explosion and Poison Nova. 将增加毒系的伤害立即减短敌方的中毒时间!!
- Al amiko nova ne fidu sen provo. 不要信赖未经考验的新朋友。
- He and his wife live in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. 他和他的妻子在加拿大新斯科舍省的曲罗市定居。
- Mary Celeste was launched in Nova Scotia in 1860. 玛丽赛勒斯特号于1860年在新斯科舍启航。
- Oslash; Impactor and Nova found the Wreckers. 撞针与天威组建回收救援队。