- extra slim hole 超狭孔
- Gordian technique for separated layer instrument in slim hole. 小直径井下分层治理工具关键技术
- Now this technique is applied in the slim hole drilling in Daqing Oil Field. 目前,此项技术已在大庆油田小井眼钻井中推广应用。
- At present, Shunrong Co. put forth effort in diversification development for operating Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) Extra Slim Display (Advertising Light Box). 目前,公司着力于多元化发展,新开发出冷阴极(CCFL)超薄显示屏(广告灯箱),品质优异可靠,服务周到快捷。
- A crosslinking agent DCL-KB was developed against the characteristic of slim hole fracturing. 根据小眼井的特点和技术要求,研制了可控制交联时间的延迟交联剂DCL-KB,该剂是硼与特殊的配位络合体在常温下合成的,比普通硼砂分子大得多的络合物。
- The theory of multi-object optimization is used to perform an optimized designation of slim hole drilling parameters. 应用多目标优化理论,对小井眼钻井参数进行了优化设计。
- Since 1995,sidetracking operations have been conducted in Zhongyuan Oilfield,and a set of perfect slim hole sidetracking technology has been formed. 中原油田自1995年以来开始进行了老井开窗侧钻小眼井技术,数年的努力形成了一套完善工艺。
- The coring technology in deep slim hole has been applied in China.It provided dependable core data for exploratory development. 深井小井眼钻井取心技术作为其配套技术,已相继在国内油田应用,为勘探开发提供了可靠的岩心资料。
- In order to reduce the investment on peripheral stripper wells, the technique of producing oil with slim hole is adopted. 采用小井眼技术进行开采,主要是为解决外围低产油田开发投资大、经济效益差的问题。
- With the low drilling cost,low drillings and low environment pollution,the slim hole drilling has a great development worldwide in recent year. 由于小井眼钻井成本低、排出岩屑体积小,对环境污染小,近几年来在世界范围内得到了大力发展,因此,各种小井眼钻井设备应运而生。
- The experiment about using slim hole and cool explosives to excavate a slope protection layer in excavation blasting is introduced, and excellent effectiveness is achieved. 介绍在边坡保护层开挖爆破中采用小直径低爆速炸药的试验情况及取得的良好效果。
- Considering small annular clearance and large hole curvature in slim hole, the nonlinear mechanics analysis of BHA is carried out by gap-element method. 针对小井眼水平井环空间隙小、曲率大的特点,应用间隙元法对下部钻具组合进行了非线性静力学分析;
- extra slim triangular taper saw file 细斜三角锯锉
- By analyzing the random contact and impact between drilling string and bore hole wall at arbitrary depth and circle direction in slim hole well, a dynamic model of whole drilling string is presented. 考虑小井眼细长钻柱沿井深和井眼圆周方向的随机接触碰撞,建立了钻柱瞬态动力学模型。
- Reasons causing the poor cementing quality and short well life of the sidetracking slim hole were investigated, and the measures taken and reaming techniques were also illustrated. 研究了造成侧钻小井眼井固井质量低、寿命短的主要原因,介绍了所采取的措施和扩孔施工工艺。
- It is concluded that the designed BHAs with three or four stabilizers have better effects on anti-deflection and improving ROP,and provide a suitable algorithm for slim hole BHA design. 现场应用表明:用该方法所设计组配的三稳定器和四稳定器防斜钻具组合有良好的防斜效果,基本上满足小眼井防斜打快的要求,为小眼井钻具组合设计提供了一种实用的计算方法。
- As Shengli oilfield entered middle and later development stage, more and more challenges were encountered including oil sheet, sidetracking, liner cementing and slim hole cementing. 为解决胜利油田开发中后期小间隙固井中存在的诸多问题,从水泥石的弹性和韧性等方面开发出了增韧纤维水泥浆。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- More accurate calculation of pressure loss in narrow annuli of slim holes and coiled tubing operations is required. 在小眼井和连续油管作业的窄环空中,要求更加准确地计算摩擦压降。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。