- external rotator strength 外旋肌力
- The infraspinatus/teres minor is potentially the most powerful external rotator, and subscapularis is the most effective internal rotator. 在臂内外旋过程中,肩胛下肌和冈下肌/小圆肌功效较大。
- The rotator cuff keeps the humerus in a position biased toward external rotation and seats the head of the hurmerus in the glenoid fossa. 当手接触到书时,手会贴附着书脊,而伸手模式的功能会神奇地反转而将书送到身侧。当人将书从书架上移开,抓握的骨骼肌会依照书的重量做力量的调整。
- This cannot elucidate the effects of dynamic external rotation on the repair, which is a common postoperative motion. 它不能阐明其对于动力性外旋(修复术后常见运动形式)的效应。
- The limited external rotation of the fibula during injury by the superior tibio-fibular syndesmosis comprise to the high level fibular fracture. 上胫腓联合对腓骨外旋的限制及膝关节在损伤时所处的屈曲角度共同参与了高位腓骨骨折的产生。
- The infraspinatus/teres minor had the largest moment arms in external rotation, and the subscapularis had the largest moment arm in internal rotation. 在臂内旋时,肩胛下肌的力臂值最大,而臂外旋时冈下肌/小圆肌的力臂值最大。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The external rotations associated with these two combined reconstructions were equivalent and significantly less than that in the intact knee. 外侧旋转在实施两组重建手术后比完整的膝关节显著减少。
- Increasing tension in either the popliteus or the popliteofibular graft from 10 to 30 N significantly decreased external rotation. 在腘肌腱及腘胫韧带移植术中增加5-10N的压力均可显著地减少外侧旋转。
- To explore the effect of reconstruction of the posterior capsule and short external rotators in prevention of postoperative posterior dislocation. 摘要目的探讨后方软组织重建对降低髋关节置换术后关节后脱位的预防作用。
- Discussion: External rotation using postoperative physiologic loads affects gap formation and tendon strain between anterior and posterior supraspinatus tendon regions. 讨论:术后使用生理负重的外旋影响冈上肌肌腱前区和后区的间隙形成和肌腱张力。
- The arm should never be tied above the head in abduction and external rotation while a body cast is applied because this position may cause a brachial plexus paralysis. 在进行躯干石膏固定时上臂绝不能在外展外旋位捆绑至高于头的水平,因这一位置可导致臂丛神经麻痹。
- The arm should neer be tied aboe the head in abduction and external rotation while a body cast is applied because this position may cause a brachial plexus paralysis. 在进行躯干石膏固定时上臂绝不能在外展外旋位捆绑至高于头的水平,因这一位置可导致臂丛神经麻痹。
- Prevents hyperextension of, knees and occlusion of popliteal artery caused by pressure from body weight. Trochanter roll prevents external rotation of legs. * 防止膝盖过伸及身体压力引起的腰围动脉堵塞,转卷可以防止两腿外翻。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- Popliteus and popliteofibular grafts were more favorably aligned than a lateral collateral ligament graft to resist external rotation, and they had similar effects. 腘肌腱及腘胫韧带移植物有相似的效果,比侧副韧带移植更能有效地抑制外侧旋转。
- He gathered all his strength and swung the axe. 他用尽全力抡起斧头。
- Using the model,articular contact patterns of the normal glenohumeral joint were calculated during humeral external rotation,concluding the maximum joint reaction force is 140. 用该模型分析了肱骨在外旋运动中盂肱关节的关节力及其接触面的应力分布情况,其中最大关节力和最大接触应力分别为140。
- I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。
- Objective To explore the effect of reconstruction of the posterior capsule and short external rotators in prevention of postoperative posterior dislocation. 目的探讨后方软组织重建对降低髋关节置换术后关节后脱位的预防作用。