- external labor market n. 外部劳动力市场
- How close is China to a labor market? 中国劳动力市场转型与发育?
- The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impede its economic recovery. 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。
- This suggests complementarity in the labor market. 这体现了劳动力市场的互补性特征。
- The unemployed should seek jobs through the labor market. 失业人员再就业要走劳动力市场这条路。
- The labor market should be standardized and developed. 规范发展劳动力市场。
- Women have the right to expect a fair deal in the labor market. 女性有权在劳动力市场要求公平交易。
- You can Bagua Road at the entrance, such as the labor market. 你可在八卦路劳动力市场门口等。
- We must seek various ways to deve lop the international labor market. 我们要寻求多条途径,积极开展国际劳务输出。
- As a consequence, the majority of today's mothers are in the labor market. 作为一种结果,大多数现在的母亲都在劳务市场工作。
- CETZ laid emphasis on fostering of labor market and job recommendation. 努力培育劳动力市场,搞好推荐就业工作。
- Children from wealthier backgrounds are more likely to have a grasp on the upper rungs of the labor market. 意为:家庭背景越是富有的孩子,越有机会进入劳动力市场的上层(也就是越能找到好职位)。
- Develop labor market, consummate employment services, strengthen job training, and set up a market-oriented labor system. 发展劳动力市场,完善就业服务体系,加强职业培训,形成以市场为导向的就业机制。
- The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impeded its economic recovery. 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。
- Competitionis so fierce in the labor market that there is always someone pushing up behind you. 劳动力市场的竞争非常激烈,总有人在后面与你竞争。
- Develop labor market,consummate employment services,strengthen job training,and set up a market-oriented labor system. 发展劳动力市场,完善就业服务体系,加强职业培训,形成以市场为导向的就业机制。
- The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously color=# cc0066> impede its economic recovery. 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。
- With the labor market being increasingly competitive, many people do not take their present jobs for granted. 随着劳动市场的竞争日趋激烈,许多人不再把他们的工作看成是理所当然的了。
- He is just listening in external of that room. 他正在那房间的外面留神听着。
- Labor market experts say the rationale used by most companies for excluding women from professional jobs is the fear that they will quit to get married after only a few years. 劳动力市场专家说,大多数公司将妇女排除在专业工作之外所持的理由?,他们担心妇女会在短短数年之后就放弃工作去结婚。