- Causes of External Wall Leakage and Its Treatment 外墙渗水的原因及防治措施
- Corners should be rounded and the external wall should be uniform in structure and porous to water vapour. 墙角应当抹圆,外墙结构应当均匀,且应当应用多孔材料。
- It introduces the formula of KD-2188 aquosity matt paint with fluorin and carbon for external wall, technical performance and engineering applications. 介绍KD-2188水性亚光氟碳外墙涂料的配方、技术性能及其工程应用情况。
- This paper introduces the testing method and heat-insulating principle of the building external wall thermal insulation coatings. 在现代社会对环境要求越来越高的情况下,保温隔热涂料的研究势在必行。
- Solar thermal utilisation equipment and products:solar external wall, solar thermal collector technology and system, other solar thermal products. 太阳能热利用产品:太阳能外墙、太阳能集热器技术和系统及其它太阳能热利用产品。
- Photo Gallery: Digestive System This colored scanning micrograph shows a cast of blood vessels from the external wall of the small intestine. 意译:人体消化系统图片。这彩色扫描显微照片显示了的血管及外部的小肠。
- An external wall, comprised of battens of varying densities, made from locally grown pine, is designed to maximise daylight and natural ventilation. 用当地松木制作的各种厚度的板条构成了建筑的外墙,最大化自然光照和自然通风。
- External wall draws chrysanthemums flowers and plants alternates, with the blue flower to crisper, filling in to make red, green, yellow glaze. 外壁绘六组菊花与贯套花卉相间,以青花勾边,填以红、绿、黄彩等,绘画规整,填彩精细,青花淡雅,色彩丰富,底落“大清雍正年”青花楷书款。
- Vacuum ball perlite glassy beads are suitable for all kinds of internal and external wall insulation and household wall, floor and access. 真空球珍珠岩玻化微珠适合于各种墙体内外保温及分户隔墙,楼层,通道。
- The inventive hollow brick requires no external wall heat insulating engineering in the south owing to the low thermal conductivity and saved energy. 导热系数低、节约能源,在南方使用本发明的空心砖不需要作外墙保温工程。
- Supervision Measure for External Wall Leakage of Buildings 建筑外墙渗漏的监理防治措施
- The curved external walls are clad in timber boards that overhang the glazing. 弯曲的复合外墙板的木材过剩的玻璃。
- Preventing leakage in external wall of house and its treatment 浅论房屋外墙渗漏的预防及治理
- Analysis and prevention of leakage on facing brick external wall 面砖外墙渗漏分析及其防治
- External wall insulation system with three approaches: extruded polystyrene board, commonly known as XPS boards, or expansion of polystyrene board, commonly known as EPS plate. 外墙保温体系有三种做法:用挤塑聚苯板,俗称XPS板,或者膨胀聚苯板,俗称EPS板。
- From their TEM, nanoparticles of TiO2 were adhere to the surface of A. C and external wall of CNTs. The photocatalytic properties of compound photocatalysts were investigated. 制得的复合光催化剂的TEM谱图表明,纳米TiO_2颗粒附着在活性炭表面与CNTs管壁上。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- Improving the fireproofing property of external wall insulation system cannot only relay on flame-spread retardancy,but the whole safe structure of the building system. 在目前条件下,提高建筑外墙保温体系防火安全性,应从体系防火构造措施入手,而非一味追求保温材料的高阻燃性。
- We use optimized digital filter and high accuracy transform circuits to precisely measure the external wall temperature of the autoclave and the air temperature in it. 为保证釜体外壁温度和炉膛空气温度的测量精度,采用了优化数字滤波及精度转换电路。