- card-not-present支付 card-not-present payment
- 最后一行(标记为“Not present”)描述了与任何现有行都不匹配的传入行的行为。 The final row (labeled "(Not present)") describes the behavior for incoming rows that don't match any existing row.
- 新加坡有一种流行于青年的语法现象:用“中文动词 + 英文字母ing”表达汉语动词的现在进行式(The Present Continuous)。 A popular grammatical phenomenon among Singaporean youth using ?Chinese verb? + ?ing? to express the present continuous is spotted in this paper.
- 如果抗原提呈细胞(antigen present cell,APC)只提供MHC-抗原肽复合物而不提供CD80、CD86等共刺激信号,将使淋巴细胞无能,诱导免疫耐受。 If antigen present cells (APCs) provide MHC-peptides only, do not present costimulatory signals such as CD80 and CD86 to T lymphocytes at the same time, T lymphocytes will became anergy, immune tolerance will be induced.
- 目前,城市98%和农村70%的孕产妇能获得产前检查,全国新法接生率达84.1%。At present, 98 percent of pregnant women in urban areas and 70 percent in rural areas can receive prenatal examinations. Modern methods are adopted for 84.1 percent of deliveries in China.