- Purpose: To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess. 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。
- Conclusions Paranasal sinus diseases maybe easier to encroach upon the orbit, exophthalmos maybe the first symptom that we can found. 结论鼻窦肿瘤易侵及眼眶,临床多以眼球突出为首发症状。
- Embolization treatment with detachable balloon for traumatic pulsating exophthalmos. 外伤性搏动性眼球突出的可脱性球囊栓塞手术。
- Posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma and exophthalmos. 后部包膜白内障,眼压上升,青光眼,眼球突出。
- In this paper, the application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and pathology of exophthalmos was introduced. 本文重点介绍超声技术在甲亢突眼征中的诊断和病理研究应用概况。
- Case 2, a 17-year-old female, suffered from exophthalmos and globe displacement in right eye. 两者均接受了手术切除、化学治疗及放射线治疗,现情况良好,无复发迹象。
- It may be considered as a first-step evaluation and follow-up examination for any patient with unilateral exophthalmos. 对于眼窝软组织异常引起之突眼症之初步评估及追综检查极有助益。
- Objective: To study the etiologic factors, the value of CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of exophthalmos. 摘要目的:探讨眼球突出的病因、CT诊断及鉴别诊断价值。
- Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. 体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。
- She suspects all the symptoms were aroused due to stress in class lessons. Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. 她自认为这些症状是由于功课紧张所致。体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。
- Conclusion The ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure can prove the character of the space-occupying lesions in orbit. 结论测量眼球突出度与眶压的比值可为诊断眶内占位性病变的性质提供依据。
- Results: Each case had trauma history and ocular signs such as exophthalmos, conjunctiva hyperemia and chemosis, and motor restriction was obvious. 结果:5例患者均有外伤史、眼球突出、球结膜充血水肿及眼球运动障碍。
- Results: Most cases had features of exophthalmos, orbital mass, swelling and hyperemia of lid and conjunctiva, limitation of ocular movement. 结果:25例有眶内占位病变及炎症体征,如眼球突出、眶部肿块、眼睑及结膜充血水肿、眼球运动受限等。
- Results Most cases had features of exophthalmos, lid swelling, limitation of ocular movement. some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. 结果22例有反复的眶内炎症史及占位性病变体征,如眼睑及结膜充血水肿,眼球突出,眼球运动受限;
- Because different types of CCFs hae different hemodynamic alteration and different draining routes, clinical features such as pulsating exophthalmos may not come out. 由于不同类型的CCF,有不同的血流动力学改变和不同的引流路径,临床特点可没有搏动性眼球突出。在这些情况下,容易漏诊6-8。
- Objective To study the change of the ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure when the space-occupying lesion of the orbit were solid,liquid or gas. 目的了解眶内占位性病变为固体、液体或气体时眼球突出度与眶压比值的差异。
- There can be also stuffiness in chest, palpitation, shortness of breath, tremor of fingers irritability, hot temper, perspiration exophthalmos, and wiry, rolling, rapid pulse. 有的兼见胸闷,心悸气促,手指颤动,急躁易怒,容易汗出,眼球突出,脉弦滑而数。
- Analysis of MRI and CT manifestations of paranasal sinuses and orbitocranial disorders with secondary exophthalmos WEI Ruili, CAI Jiping, WANG Haiqing, et al. 中华眼科杂志1999年第3期第35卷论著作者:魏锐利蔡季平王海青陶晓峰朱煌周浩单位:200003上海;第二军医大学第二附属医院眼科关键词:眶疾病;眶肿瘤;CT;MRI...
- The most common etiology of unilateral and bilateral exophthalmos is thyroid associated ophthalmopathy(TAO).The diagnosis is not difficult, but the treatment is still controversy. 甲状腺相关眼病是临床上最常见的表现为单侧或双侧眼球突出的疾病,诊断并不困难,但治疗尚无统一方法。
- Exophthalmos is a common ocular symptom seen in small animal practices.However, the identification of the etiology of exophthalmos is usually a challenge task. 摘要凸眼在小动物临床上是个常见的眼科症状,但是诊断致病的病因却是一项挑战。