- Install Visual Studio Team Edition for Developers to run unit tests, static analysis tools, or code coverage. 安装Visual Studio Team Edition for Developers以运行单元测试、静态分析工具或者代码覆盖率。
- You can run unit and ordered tests to satisfy the testing part of your check-in policy. 可以运行单元测试和顺序测试以满足签入策略测试部分的要求。
- SIMD SIMD integer execution unit for MMX? Technology instructions. MMX技术指令的SIMD整型数执行单元。
- A process that maps a record name to its physical location in the user work area(UWA)and notifies the DBCS(Database Control System)of the run unit's intention to use the database. 将记录名映象到它在用户工作区中的物理位置,并将运行单元使用数据库的意向通知数据库控制系统(DBCS)的过程。
- A specified usage mode that gives a run unit the capability to make changes to an area of the database while other run units concurrently retrieve data. 一种指定的使用方式,它给某个运行单元以改变数据库某个区的能力,而别的运行单元可同时作数据检索。
- Force needed to add to the executer unit to actuate switch contact . 使开关触点回复到正常位置,所必需减少施加于操动器上的力。
- A process that maps a record name to its physical location in the user work area (UWA) and notifies the DBCS (Database Control System) of the run unit's intention to use the database. 将记录名映象到它在用户工作区中的物理位置,并将运行单元使用数据库的意向通知数据库控制系统(DBCS)的过程。
- A process that maps a record name to its physical location in the user work area(UWA) and notifies the DBCS(Database Control System) of the run unit's intention to use the database. 将记录名映象到它在用户工作区中的物理位置,并将运行单元使用数据库的意向通知数据库控制系统(DBCS)的过程。
- The position of executer unit in case of executer unit reaching the limitation position. 当操动器到达极限时操动器的位置。
- Force needed to add to the executer unit to make the switch conact back to normal position. 使开关触点回复到正常位置,所必需减少施加于操动器上的力。
- Primary position of executer unit without external force adding to executer unit. 没有外力加在操动器上时,操动器的最初位置。
- The position of executer unit in case of the contact rapidly backing to normal position to action contact position. 触点从动作接触位置迅速跳回正常位置时,操动器的位置。
- If you used the project from Walkthrough: Creating and Running Unit Tests, the solution's name is Bank. 如果使用Walkthrough:Creating and Running Unit Tests中的项目,则解决方案的名称为Bank。
- The position of executer unit in case of the contact rapldly moving to the contact position for action. 触点迅速移动到动作接触位置时,操动器的位置。
- The distance or angle that the executer unit passes since free position to action position. 操动器从自由位置移动到动作位置所经过的距离或角度。
- Force needed to make executer unit without external force adding to executer unit . 使操动器从自由位置移动到极限位位置所加的力。
- Go run the executable program in memory. 执行现在在记忆体里的程式。
- By CAN, the system can realize data communicate with others execute units. 通过CAN总线通信系统实现与各执行单元的数据通信。
- Enable to run a customized executable at shut-down. 启用关闭时运行定制的可执行文件。
- The CPU execution unit has detected an invalid opcode (the part of the machine instruction that determines the operation performed). CPU执行单元检查到一个无效的操作码(决定执行操作的指令的一部分)。