- The process of obtaining an exclusive lock on a file over a network. 通过网络获取文件排它锁定的过程。
- Access to a recovery log is only performed when the exclusive lock is held. 对恢复日志的访问只有在持有排它锁定时进行。
- This method does not return until it reacquires an exclusive lock on the. 参数的独占锁以前,此方法不会返回。
- Gets the mutually exclusive lock that protects the class instance during a state transition. 获取在状态转换过程中保护类实例的相互排斥锁。
- A statement block protected by an exclusive lock is sometimes called a critical section. 有时将受独占锁保护的语句块称为“临界区”。
- However, other transactions cannot acquire an exclusive lock until the shared lock has been released. 但是,在释放共享锁之前,其他事务无法获取排他锁。
- You currently have an exclusive lock on the database; automatic processing will fail until the lock is released. 您当前对数据库设置了一个独占锁;在释放独占锁之前,无法进行自动处理。
- Attempts, for the specified number of milliseconds, to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object. 在指定的毫秒数内尝试获取指定对象上的排他锁。
- Expression and suspends execution until it acquires an exclusive lock on the object returned by the expression. 表达式,并挂起执行,直到获取了由表达式返回的对象上的独占锁。
- If another task tries to apply a shared or exclusive lock at the table level, it is blocked by the table-level intent lock held by the first task. 如果另一个任务尝试在表级上应用共享锁或排他锁,它会被第一个任务所持有的表级意向锁阻塞。
- Allows multiple threads to read a resource concurrently, but requires a thread to wait for an exclusive lock in order to write to the resource. 允许多个线程同时读取一个资源,但在向该资源写入时要求线程等待获得独占锁。
- A SyncLock block behaves like a Try.Finally construction in which the Try block acquires an exclusive lock on lockobject and the Finally block releases it. SyncLock块的操作就像Try.;Finally结构;其中Try块获取lockobject上的独占锁;而Finally块则释放此锁。
- The SyncLock block acquires and releases the exclusive lock by calling the Enter and Exit methods of the Monitor class in the System.Threading namespace. SyncLock块通过调用System.;Threading命名空间中的Monitor类的Enter方法和Exit方法获取和释放独占锁。
- When the lock block is entered, execution on the specified expression is blocked until the specified thread has an exclusive lock on the object in question. 输入lock块后,在指定的线程对所讨论的对象拥有专用锁之前,对指定表达式的执行一直被堵塞。
- A transaction always gets an exclusive lock on any data it modifies and holds that lock until the transaction completes, regardless of the isolation level set for that transaction. 事务始终对其修改的任何数据进行独占锁定,并在事务完成前保留该锁定,而不管为该事务设置的隔离级别。
- The shared-mode-to-exclusive lock conversion must wait because the exclusive lock for one transaction is not compatible with the shared-mode lock of the other transaction; a lock wait occurs. 共享模式到排他锁的转换必须等待一段时间,因为一个事务的排他锁与其他事务的共享模式锁不兼容;发生锁等待。
- Other users can read the data concurrently, but no transaction can acquire an exclusive lock on the data until all the shared locks have been released. 其他用户可以同时读取数据,但在释放所有共享锁之前,任何事务都不能获取对该数据的排他锁。
- Setting the PARAMETERIZATION option is an online operation that it requires no database-level exclusive locks. 设置PARAMETERIZATION选项是一项在线操作,它不需要数据库级别的排他锁。
- A dirty read is possible, meaning that no shared locks are issued and no exclusive locks are honored. 可以进行脏读,意思是说,不发布共享锁,也不接受独占锁。
- Data modification statements, therefore, typically request both shared locks and exclusive locks. 因此,数据修改语句通常请求共享锁和排他锁。