- Surplus value is alterable capital generation. 剩余价值是可变资本产生的。
- Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers. 资本家靠榨取工人创造的剩余价值而致富。
- Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune. 资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。
- The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx's economic theory. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。
- I deny that “surplus value is the source of profit” in any useful sense. 在任何有用的意义上,我都否认“剩余价值是利润的源泉”。
- Capitalists occupy the surplus value created by the productive forces for free. 资本家无偿占有了生产者创造的剩余价值。
- Marx pointed out that ordinary engineers and technicians join in the creation of surplus value. 马克思曾经指出,一般的工程技术人员也参与创造剩余价值。
- Marx pointed out that ordinary engineers and technicians joined in the creation of surplus value. 马克思曾经指出,一般的工程技术人员也参与创造剩余价值。
- Capital appropriates the surplus value, a process referred to as exploitation of labor. 私有资本攫取剩余价值,即对劳动的剥削过程。
- The key of labor prop-erty rights realization is the right of exact surplus value. 劳动力产权实现的关键是剩余索取权。
- As to alienation, after Marx discovered the law of surplus value, he used that term only to describe wage labour in capitalist society. 至于“异化”,马克思在发现剩余价值规律以后,曾经继续用这个说法来描写资本主义社会中工人的雇佣劳动,
- Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra. 超过100公斤的行李要额外收费。
- Through MBO,a manager becomes a complete owner of the surplus value,which can eliminate or reduce the agency cost and stimulate managers. 通过MBO,管理者成为完全的剩余权益拥有者,可减少或消除代理成本,激励经理人积极性的发挥。
- Thus, under the revisionist regime, the working class no longer works for itself, but is “creating surplus value for the capitalist class. 因此,在修正主义统治下,工人阶级创造的“剩余价值为资本家所占有”。
- Surplus value is talked is Marx end its are lifetime the theory that energy institute founds, "Whole book of Marx is a center with surplus value. 剩余价值论是马克思穷其毕生精力所创立的理论,“马克思的整本书都是以剩余价值为中心的。”
- It is wrong to owe the source of surplus value to materialized labour and regard it as the theoretical base of distribution. 那种把剩馀价值的源泉归之于物化劳动,并以此作为分配的理论根据是不正确的。
- In traditional plutonomy schoolbook, try the production methods that raises labor intensity to serve as implicit surplus value to discuss. 在传统的政治经济学教科书中,把提高劳动强度作为绝对剩余价值的生产方法加以论述。
- Actually, creation value and increasing value is distinguishing, popularly is told, creating value can be creation surplus value only. 其实 ,创造价值与增加价值是有区别的 ,一般地讲 ,创造价值只能是创造剩余价值。
- Schultz's modern capital theory explained on a micro stratum that the reason of individual labor's investment is to obtain the value of labor power and a part of surplus value. 舒尔茨的现代资本理论从微观层面上解释了个体劳动者之所以投资,是为了获得劳动力的价值和劳动创造的剩余价值的一部分;
- In Marxist plutonomy, it has been considered that the capitalist agricultural landtax comes from the surplus value created by agricultural salary earners. 在马克思主义政治经济学中,一直认为资本主义农业地租来源于农业雇佣工人创造的剩余价值。