- every angle of view 全知视角
- Different angles of view produce different effect. 不同的报道视角,所产生的报道效果不同。
- This is a daring and inspiring compilation, with hundreds of full-color photographs showing every angle of the designs. 这是一本大胆的富有灵感的书,几百张彩色图片展示了设计作品的每一个角度。
- It must be an effective choice to construct a multiple angle of view of economic reportage making it really "alive". 要想使经济新闻报道真正“活”起来,建构经济新闻报道的多元视角是一种有效的选择。
- Therefore, the paper provided a new angle of view for the actualization of mass customization. 对大批量定制的实施提供了一种新的视角。
- This thesis is focused on analysis of pension system from the angle of view ofindustrialization. 本文从工业化的角度出发,研究养老金制度问题。
- Get a finder about the same angle of view of the taking lens, or a little longer. 在选择辅助取景器时可以考虑与所用拍摄镜头相同视角或者较其略微广角的取景器。
- Of, having, or being a camera lens with a relatively short focal length that permits an angle of view wider than approximately70=. 广角的照像机镜头的,有或作为照像机镜头的,这种镜头带有可使视角宽于约70度的短焦距
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。
- She hit her knee against the angle of the bed. 她的膝盖撞到床角上了。
- Observes the life experience life feelings life with the painterunique angle of view....... 用画家特有的视角去观察生命体验生命感触生命.......
- It is the special feature that switch angle of view, time cycle fault or non-time cycle, standardise the construction. 视角转换,时序“倒错”与非时序,还有结构的模式化,是该报道较突出的特征。
- Economic reportage involves not only in the content it reports, but also in the angle of view it chooses. 摘要经济新闻报道不仅涉及报道什么,还存在一个报道视角的选择问题。
- He completely disregarded my point of view. 他完全不理会我的观点。
- Based on sociological angle of view, the article puts forward a new hypothesis concerning the essence of teaching. 从社会学视角出发,提出了对教学活动本质的新预设。
- She made every effort to clear her point of view. 她尽最大的努力讲清楚她的观点。
- Consider things from every angle. 全面周到地考虑问题。
- The method of identifying target customer must have a new angle of view, adopting relationship paradigm in customer market. 关系范式在消费者客户市场中的引入,使得目标客户的确定有了全新的内容。
- From my point of view, teachers are not well paid. 依我看,虽然教师们薪水不高。