- euphemistic exprssion 委婉表达
- A euphem ism for a child born to an unw ed m other. 意为“私生子”,这一表达方式是对未婚女子所生婴儿的委婉的说法。
- Mom: It's a euphemistic expression! 妈妈:这是委婉的表达方式。
- Euphemistic motion, ever-changing flower fan. 动作委婉,扇花多变。
- A euphem ism for a child born to an unw ed other. 意为“私生子”,这一表达方式是对未婚女子所生婴儿的委婉的说法。
- Now take back and change to an euphemistic word. 现在拿回去用委婉一点 的字表示!”Mrs.
- A few days ago, and friends to Euphemistic concern. 前几日,又有朋友来委婉关心。
- The euphemistic and implicit symbols full of profound connotations. 含蕴深远,委婉含蓄的象征。
- The positive exprssion rates of Fas mRNA in non-tumor tissue and ATs tissue were 8.3% and 74.5%. Fas mRNA阳性表达率分别为:非肿瘤组织8.;3%25;肿瘤组织74
- I think it's quite clear, and there's no need to be more euphemistic. 我觉得这里语气比较生硬,能不能有一种不直译的,委婉的说法呢?
- Self-dicipline will teach you to therow your willpower behind either reson or emotion and amplify the intesity of their exprssion. 自律会教导你 的意志力作为理性和情绪的后盾,并强化二者的表现强度。
- Modest words, taboo words and circuitous words were the usual expression way of euphemistic rhetoric. 委婉修辞常用的表现方式有谦敬语、避讳语、迂回语等。
- For too long people have been embarrassed to talk about virtues, opting instead for the euphemistic term, "values". 长期以来,人们谈到美德都感到很尴尬,宁愿用另一个委婉的词“价值”来代替它。
- Sima Qian exactly expressed the function of Ci-fu was to offer advice to the sovereign in a euphemistic and indirect language. 在辞赋的功用问题上,司马迁明确地表达了自己重于讽谏的观点。
- The leader sends character infuriation no longer, make a speech however " euphemistic " . 领导不再发言激昂,而是发言“委婉”。
- Among 22 cases of ANLL, bone marrow remission (BMR) rate was higher in survivin gene negative expression cells from patients accepted a course of chemotherapy than in positive exprssion cells (83.3% vs 25.0%, P=0.023). 在 2 2例ANLL患者白血病细胞中 ;survivinmRNA表达阴性者接受 1个疗程化疗后骨髓缓解(BMR)率 (83 .;3%25 )明显高于阳性者 (2 5
- The combination of hedge and "Face Theory" can makes writings euphemistic and precise. 模糊限制语和“面子论”的结合应用使文章委婉含蓄,精确严密;
- To this, golden hill respect with " do not make an assessment " euphemistic refus is interviewed absolutely. 对此,金山方面以“不做评价”委婉拒绝采访。
- A representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。
- When you need to express your different opinions, you can use euphemistic way and not to injure others' feeling. 反驳对方时,用委婉的方式表达为宜。