- ethmoidal crest of palatine bone 腭骨筛嵴
- ethmoid crest of palatine bone 腭骨筛骨嵴
- turbinal crest of palatine bone, inferior 腭骨鼻甲嵴
- turbinal crest of palatine bone, superior 腭骨筛骨嵴
- inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone 腭骨鼻甲嵴
- superior turbinal crest of palatine bone 腭骨筛骨嵴
- nasal crest of palatine bone 腭骨鼻嵴
- conchal crest of palatine bone 腭骨鼻甲嵴
- crest of palatine bone conchal 腭骨甲嵴
- palatine crest of palatine bone 腭骨腭嵴
- He reached the crest of the hill before dawn. 他于黎明前到达山顶。
- After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave. 该党在选举获胜後如日中天。
- pterygopalatine sulcus of palatine bone 腭骨翼腭沟
- The truck hulked up suddenly over the crest of the hill. 卡车在小山顶上突然像个庞然大物似地出现了。
- pyramida process of palatine bone 腭骨锥突
- Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a hill. 在坡顶绝不要企图超车。
- Lamina horizontalis of palatine bone 腭骨水平板
- Their new outpost was on the crest of a hill. 他们新的前哨阵地设在一座小山包顶上。
- Lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone 腭骨垂直板
- horizontal plate of palatine bone 腭骨水平板