- error proof repair 校正差错修复
- Operator understands the reason for the error proofing method. 作业员知道需要设置防错方法的原因。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Part Label dimensions for error proofing are yet to be determined but will be approx 100 mm x 25 mm. 进行错误检验时,虽然部件标签的尺寸还未确定,但大约在100毫米与25毫米之间。
- Use error proofing and problems solving to determine the root causes of production delays, material delays, quality problems and cause of waste. 利用错误避免与问题解决系统找出生产延迟,物料延迟,质量问题和浪费的根本原因。
- And error proofing reduces the time spent on quality inspections and rework, and lowers the reject and scrap percentage. 高精度光电传感器、立体测量传感器、遮光板、照相等技术以及人工工艺均可应用于生产高质量产品。
- The onus of proof lies with you. 你有责任提供证据。
- Error Proofing - Implement error proofing strategies for the control of materials, processes and labeling for all products. Implementation measured by %Error Proofed. 错误验证-为所有产品的材料、过程和标识的控制执行错误验算策略。执行情况由%25验证错误来测量。
- NOTE The manufacturing process design includes the use error proofing methods to a degree appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and commensurate with the risks encountered. 注:制造过程设计包括根据问题的大小和相应的风险使用适当的防错方法。
- It is critical quality professionals learn how important it is to know how to ensure top quality and error proofed inputs into the service delivery system. 重要的是专业的品管人员该学习如何保证高品质与系统产出时能及时发现错误。
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity. 这张支票凭身分证件兑现。
- I'll try to repair the error I have made. 我将设法纠正我犯的错误。
- So they alleged, but have they any proof? 他们是这样宣称的,但他们有证据吗?
- His opinion is formed independently of any proof. 他的意见没有任何证据作基础。
- The shelter was proof against the bitter weather. 这个棚子可以避寒。
- Funding is to be identified in the initial quote and subsequent quotes to reflect error occurrence detection (poka yoke, error proofing devices, etc) and defect outflow prevention to customers. 对贷款要求的最初审查和最终审查,是为了反应出所存在的问题(如证明材料错误,故意出错等),和针对客户的阻止有缺陷的资金外流。
- Is your statement susceptible of proof? 你的说法能加以证实吗?