- The decision of the Registrar may be challenged by way of judicial review to the High Court if there is an error of law. 如果司法常务官的决定出现法律上的错误,阁下可以向高等法院申请司法覆核,以尝试推翻有关决定。
- The appeal was on errors of law by INZ and also that of the RRB. 上诉提出了被告方对移民法和RRB条例的违反。
- Usually different cases have four types of fuzzy spirit of law, overlap of articles of law, legal loophole and error of law, Its adjudication not only permeates the elements without law but also confronts the challenges of different value judgement. 疑难案件有法意模糊、法条竞合、法律漏洞和法律荒谬四种类型,其裁判不仅有法外因素渗透,还面临着价值判断的挑战,虽然所占比例不多,但常常困扰着法官。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- He persisted in the study of law. 他坚持学习法律。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是维护法纪的人。
- This decree has the force of law behind it. 这一裁决有法律的力量作后盾。
- A transgression of law; a crime. 违法违反法律; 一种犯罪
- A law court or system of law courts; a judiciary. 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度; 司法系统,司法部
- Thus he committed the error of"left" opportunism. 就这样他犯了“左”倾机会主义的错误。
- He has made serious errors of judgement. 他在判断上犯有严重错误。
- The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%. 测量的误差幅度为 2.;5%25。
- There has been a complete breakdown of law and order. 法律与秩序已荡然无存。
- The biggest error of life is self-rejection. 人生最大的错误是自弃。
- Analyzes principle and error of this method. 分析了这种方法的原理和误差。
- I have consulted a number of law books in the British Museums. 我查阅了大英博物馆里许多法律书籍。
- The random error is the main error of laser gyro. 随机误差是激光陀螺的主要误差。
- The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law. 此次火车相撞事件,就法律观点来看是一场无法避免的灾祸。
- There is a weary breakdown of law and order. 法律和秩序或治安严重崩溃。