- Did she offer a fair price for the house? 她给这座房子出了合理的价格没有?
- The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair price. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。
- The majority of stalls charge a fair price. 大多数摊子收费都十分合理。
- We always quote our customers a fair price. 我们总是给用户报一个公道的价格,
- Michele thought it a fair price, and bought him. 米歇尔认为价格合理,就买下了这匹马。
- He's basically selling a product at a fair price. 他以基本合理的价格销售商品。
- Microsoft says it offered a full and fair price. 微软说,其报价是充分而公平的价格。
- What do you think will be a fair price for your product? 你认为你们产品的价格公平吗?
- Salesclerk: We never overcharge. It is a fair price to pay. 售货员:我们从来不乱出价。这是公道价钱。
- It's an equitable price. 这是公正的价格。
- The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。
- Fair pricing is a fundamental business principle. 价格公道,是基本的商业准则。
- The factory carries out the tenet of mutual benefit, honesty, trustiness and the spirit of opening actively all the time and also has win the market with qualified products, excellent service and equitable price. 我厂一惯奉行互惠互利、诚实守信和积极开拓的精神,以优质的产品、优良的服务、公平的价格赢得市场。
- How do you decide on a fair price with vendors? Do you have approved vendors? 您是如何判断供货商的价格是否合理的?您有没有固定的供货商?
- Shanghai prices Association, Mr Shu also said that the White Paper is Jiezhuang market prices more equitable pricing. 上海价格协会会长徐家树也表示,白皮书中的价格是家装市场比较公平的指导价。
- Help people share mood with art. Achieve quality life with fair price artwork. 帮助人们分享心情,以平价艺术实现优质生活。
- To develop stability of the public utility system and fair pricing. 发展公共设施体系的稳定性和公平收费体系。
- With golden laser holography trademark, this product is guaranteed genuine goods at a fair price. 本品新推出金色镭射全息防伪商标,确保货真价实。
- an equitable price [arrangement] 公正的价格 [协定]
- We charge fair prices and are content with fair profits. 作形容词,表示“公平的;相当的;晴朗的;金发的”,常作定语或表语。