- Highschool is in its equilibrium state. 浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱。
- Using the CSIM4, the Arctic sea ice equilibrium state was simulated reasonably. 采用CSIM4海冰模式对北极海冰的气候态进行了模拟。
- The changing toll in a traffic system affects the equilibrium state. 摘要研究两条道路交通系统中收费下降对系统交通需求和交通成本的影响。
- Thus, the role of alloying element depends mainly on its impact on the state diagram. 因此,合金元素的作用主要取决于其对状态图的影响。
- Some suggest iterating over the process itself, as if constantly revisiting the same state diagram will eventually yield more information. 有些人提议重复过程自身,就好像不断重复查看同一个状态图最终就会得到更多信息一样。
- Their growth mechanism could be attributed to the substrate-induced oriental nucleation and fast growth under thermodynamic equilibrium state. 其生长过程可以概括为衬底诱导的趋向氧化锌晶核在平衡状态下的快速生长。
- Focus: equilibrium state, quasi-static process and reversible process, state properties and path variable, etc. 重点:平衡状态、准平衡过程、可逆过程、状态量与过程量等。
- The dynamic relaxation method enables to search the static equilibrium state by simple iterations. 动态松弛法可以从任意的初始状态开始,通过简单迭代而使系统达到静平衡状态。
- Functional nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) was used to study the effect of NMR state diagram and transition point temperature(Tp) on Maillard reaction rate in model food systems. 因此,核磁共振状态图对于评估最佳的储藏温度,以及通过配方设计来延长食品的货价期具有指导意义。
- It is shown that the St.Venant equations are the special cases of the BGK model under the equilibrium state. 理论推导证明,圣维南方程是BGK模型在局部平衡状态下的一个特例。
- Generally,two methods are employed to describe the redox ability of elements,one is potential diagram of element and theother is volt equivalent-oxidation state diagram. 表示元素氧化还原能力常用的有两种方法:一是元素的电势图,另一种是伏特当量自由能-氧化态图。
- The return of the nuclei to their equilibrium state does not take place instantaneously, but rather takes place over some time. 质子回到初始时的平衡状态不是瞬时发生得,而是需要持续一段时间。
- The kinetics base of the special relativity. Equilibrium state, basic concept of gas kinetics, pressure equation and temperature equation of ideal gas. 狭义相对论动力学基础;平衡态,气体动理论的基本概念,理想气体的压强和温度公式。
- It has shown that they can be used neither for appreciation of equilibrium state of the earth, nor for the explanation of tectogenesis. 业已证明,这些模型既不能用以正确评估地球的平衡状态,也不能用以解释构造成因。
- It is proven that under thermodynamical equilibrium the substance flows in life system can be described by a flow equilibrium state. 将多元复相系的热动平衡条件推广到开放系统,证明可用热动平衡下的流动平衡态来描述生命系统中的物质流动。
- According to the state diagram of iron and Aluminum, the surface appearance , structure and electrochemical characteristics of container materials were investigated after corrosion at 620C by potentiostat, SEM, EDX, X-ray etc. 以Fe-Al系二元相图为依据,利用扫描电镜、能谱、X射线等分析手段,对经近300小时,620℃熔融铝硅合金腐蚀介质腐蚀后的样品表面的形貌、成分、组织与结构等进行了分析研究; 并采用恒电位仪对容器材料在常见介质中的电位进行了测试,探讨扩大所选容器材料的应用领域。
- Such a slow compression carries the gas through a series of states. Each of which is very nearly an equilibrium state and it is called a quasi-static or a"nearly static"process. 这样的缓慢压缩能使这种气体经历一系列的状态,但各状态都很接近于平衡状态,所以叫作准静态过程,或“近似稳定”过程。
- Have a discussion on PVT state diagram of plastics injection molding coure,in this paper,basis principle for the PVT optimum holding pressure control is reviewed and give an example of use. 通过对塑料注射成型过程中PVT状态曲线的讨论,阐述了其最佳保压控制的基本原理及其应用实例。
- Equilibrium state, basic concept of gas kinetics, pressure equation and temperature equation of ideal gas, theorem of equipartition of energy, internal energy of ideal gas. 平衡态,气体动理论的基本概念,理想气体的压强和温度公式。能量均分定理,理想气体的内能。