- equivalent per million(EPM) [化] 百万分之几当量数
- equivalent per million 百万分之当量
- Each time you draw breath today, 380 molecules per million are carbon dioxide. 今日,你所吸的每一口气里,100万个分子之中,二氧化碳则占了380个。
- What Is Six Sigma?Six Sigma... defects per million opportunities, Six... 名称 six sigma 介绍 six sigma中文意为六...质量。
- Only three parts per million can kill sea urchin embryos, for example. 废水处理不能完全清除其最常用的成分三氯生,而它对海洋生物有毒。
- The rate of subsidence of the basement in geosynclines is more than 12 m, per million years. 地槽基底的下陷速度超过12米/百万年。
- Alloy steel heats are vacuum-treated on degassing units to reduce hydrogen contact to less than two parts per million and reduce metallic oxides. 合金钢热是在脱气装置下进行真空处理,以将氢接触减少到百万分之二以下,并减少金属氧化物。
- The term parts per million(ppm) was widely used but frequently led to misinterpretation. 广泛使用百分之几(ppm)表示结果,但常常引起误解。
- What are your lead numbers typically on this product? Do you offer a product with lead under 250 parts per million? 你们的典型产品的导数是什么?你们提供每百万250个配件用这个导数的产品吗?
- Defect levels most often are measured as defects per million opportunities (DPMO), also called parts per million (PPM). 最常用来评估缺陷等级的物理量是百万机会缺陷数(DPMO),也称百万分率(PPM)。
- At one point during a six-day sunless period, CO2 reached a high of 3,800 parts per million (ppm). 有一次连续六天阴天,二氧化碳的含量高达3,800/百万PPM。
- Kilogram oil equivalent per day; 每天公斤石油当量;
- On this basis, the Secretary of Labor had set the permissible exposure level for workers at 1 ppm (part per million), which he considered the lowest feasible level. 根据这一点,劳动部长已把工人的允许接触水平规定为百万外之一,他认为这是最低的可行性水平。
- Six Sigma terminology for Defects Per Million Opportunities. Measurement of the number of defects that would exist given one million opportunities. 六西格玛法术语,指每一百万个机会中的缺陷率。计量每一百万个机会中存在缺陷的数量。
- For swimming pools using ozone for disinfection, ensure that the water should contain not less than 0.5 Parts per million of chlorine. 如泳池使用臭氧消毒;应确保池水的氯含量不少于百万分之0.;5。
- A total of 4783 cases of CTCL were identified in 13 registries, with an oerall annual incidence of 6.4 cases per million people. 在13个登记机构一共有4783位CTCL病人,总的年发病率为每百万人口6.;4例。
- Furthermore, Stern estimates that to achieve stabilisation at 550 parts per million without CCS will increase costs by more than 60 per cent. 而且,斯特恩预计:不使用CCS,要保持空气比例稳定在550等份/百万,那么将增加60%25的成本。
- A very precise clock that operates using the elements Cesium or Rubidium.A Cesium clock has an error of one second per million years. 一种极为精确的时钟;它是使用铯或铷元素运转的原子钟.;铯原子钟的误差为每百万年一秒
- A dime is equivalent to ten pennies. 一角等于十分。
- These are 30 parts per million (ppm) for infant garments, 75ppm for garments which contact the skin and 300ppm million for other garments or fabrics. 这些是婴儿的每百万(百万分之一)30个部份衣服,衣服的75个百万分之一连络那皮肤和300个百万分之一百万为其他的衣服或织物。