- episternal ossicles 胸上骨
- A study of residual lesions of ossicles in patients with cholesteatoma otitis media? 胆脂瘤型中耳炎的听骨能再利用吗?
- Methold: TO examine 42 ossicles involving cholesteatoma with histological methold. 方法:收集胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者42块听骨,进行组织学检查。
- Objective To summarize the methodsof assistance of 22 cases with auditory ossicles prosthesis implantation. 摘要目的总结22例听小骨假体植入术手术配合。
- Surgical management involved marsupilization of cyst and sealing the dura fistula while preserving ossicles through a middle cranial fossa approach. 手术采中颅窝路径进入,将蛛网膜囊肿造口并对闭硬脑膜缺损,同时完整的保存了听小骨。
- To obtain this objective, an air-filled and mucosa-lined middle ear space with satisfactorily mobile ossicles should be reconstructed. 因此,如何经由手术建立一个黏膜完整、通气绝佳且听小骨振动良好之中耳腔,手术者追求的目标。
- Results: When the ossicles had existed for a long time,the inflammation disappeared and the auditory ossicles were suitable for peripheral tissue. 结果:随时间延长,炎症反应消退,听骨同周围组织相容好,听骨无吸收,结构良好。
- However, granuloma usually appeared as patch, streak or net on HRCT, with slight ossicles chain destruction and slight bone erosion. 4例肉芽肿多呈片状、条索状或网状,听骨破坏较轻。
- The location and shape of soft tissue in middle ear cavity and the erosion of ossicles were also evaluated and compared. 对软组织病灶分布、形态,听骨破坏等也进行了分析、比较。
- Twenty-four ears treated by canaloplasty of external auditory meatus and tympanoplasty, hammer and incus hypoplasia in 19 ears, stapes abnormity were demonstrated in 11 ears, ossicles absence in 3 ears, vestibular window clausura in 1 ears. 24耳行手术治疗,术中发现锤、砧骨发育不全19耳,镫骨畸形11耳,镫骨缺失3耳,前庭窗闭锁1耳。
- To study morphologic changes of ear ossicles and auditory ossicular chain of patients with conductive deafness. 明确传导性耳聋的听小骨及听骨链的形态学改变。
- pertaining to the ossicles in the middle ear. 关于中耳内的小骨的。
- Finally, the ossicles, where 35 cases had normal ossicular chains, 10 cases had ossicular defects and 5 cases had fixed ossicles. 听小骨正常者35例,缺损10例,固定5例。
- High resolution CT of auditory ossicles 高分辨率CT显示听小骨能力的研究
- congenital absence of auditory ossicles 先天性听骨缺失
- congenital deformity of auditory ossicles 先天性听骨畸形
- congenital fusion of auditory ossicles 先天性听骨融合
- In ossicular attic fixation, ossicular reconstruction using PORP can yield better results than mobilization of the major ossicles in patients with tympanosclerosis. 术中应用生物陶瓷人工听骨在提高鼓室硬化病人的听力方面具有较好的疗效。
- Conclusion In ossicular attic fixation, ossicular reconstruction using PORP can yield better results than mobilization of the major ossicles in patients with tympanosclerosis. 结论术中应用生物陶瓷人工听骨在提高鼓室硬化病人的听力方面具有较好的疗效。
- Congenital anomaly of ossicles of ear 先天性耳小骨异常