- enzymes of sucrose synthase 蔗糖合成酶
- The AfSS gene of sucrose synthase in the Medicago falcata L was cloned. 并克隆与黄花苜蓿 (Medicago falcata L.;) 耐冷性相关的蔗糖合酶基因(MfSS)。
- Changes and Regulations of Sucrose Synthase Activity in Rice Grains during Grain Filling 水稻灌浆期籽粒中蔗糖合成酶活性的变化与调节
- Summarily, in sugar metabolisms of C. deserticola and its host H. ammodendron, sucrose synthase played a principal role and the other two enzymes played a secondary and regulating role. 总体来看,肉苁蓉和寄主梭梭体内糖分的代谢主要以蔗糖合成酶为主,其它2种酶为辅协同参与调控。
- The sweet taste of sucrose can be felt only by the tongue. 宽恕并不是一种演讲的艺术,它也是内心灵魂的宝藏。
- Determination of sucrose content.Polarimetric method. 标准/规范英文名: Sweetened milk.
- Abstract : Sucrose Synthase(SuSy) plays an important role in plant growth and development. 摘要 : 蔗糖合成酶在植物生长发育过程中有着举足轻重的作用。
- It is concluded that the sucrose accumulation in ‘Shuguang’ peach fruit mainly dominated by invertase and sucrose synthase. 由此表明,曙光油桃果实的蔗糖积累主要受到转化酶和蔗糖合酶的调控。
- The suitable rate of nitrogenous fertilizer can improve the SPS activities,the content of soluble sugar,the root Sucrose Synthase(SS) acti... 适当施用氮肥可以提高沙参叶片SPS活性和可溶性糖含量及根中SS活性,又能够在收获时期保持叶片较低的可溶性糖含量,提高了沙参根中多糖含量和根的产量。
- The results showed sucrose-based polymers could increase the net activity of sucrose-metabolizing enzymes, enhance the accumulation of sucrose and the fruit quality. 结果表明,蔗糖基聚合物处理可提高圣女果采后蔗糖代谢相关酶的净活性,有利于蔗糖的积累和品质的改善。
- It also contains the following small amounts of sucrose cane sugar , maltose, minerals, numerous enzymes, numerous vitamins, and tiny amounts of proteins and acids. 它同时含有少量的蔗糖、麦芽糖、矿物质、大量的酵素、大量的维他命,以及微量的蛋白质和酸。
- Two cultivars IR72 (Indica) and Nipponbare (Japonica) were used with shading treatment after anthesis to study the dynamic changes of sucrose content and the activity of sucrose degradation enzymes. 选用IR72(籼稻)和日本睛(粳稻),在开花后遮光处理,对弱光条件下籽粒蔗糖含量的动态变化和降解酶的活性进行了研究。
- Effect of Sucrose on Microbial Colonization of Dental Plaque Formers in Vivo. 蔗糖对人早期牙菌斑形成的影响。
- From the D-fructose moiety of sucrose, fructans such as inulin are assembled. 而由另半个蔗糖分子D-果糖聚合成为果聚糖,如菊粉。
- Integrase is one of the three enzymes of the irus that is required for iral replication. 整合酶是病毒复制所需要的三种酶之一。
- Enzymatic determination of sucrose content.Nadp spectrometric method. 标准英文名: Fruit and vegetable juices.
- Kaposi acrylic foam bonded to the allyl ether of sucrose polymers, acidic. 卡波沫为丙烯酸键合蔗糖的烯丙基醚的聚合物,呈酸性。
- Hops are added during brewing and after the enzymes of the malt have converted the starch to the sugar maltose. 酿造过程中,当酶已经把淀粉转化为麦芽糖之后加入酒花。
- An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose. 转化酶催化蔗糖水解为葡萄糖和果糖的一种酶
- Studies on symbolic enzymes of myocardial membrane in toxic myocardiopathy by adri-amycin. 阿霉素中毒性心肌病心肌细胞膜标志酶的研究