- The increasingly fierce competition brought about by globalization endows prominent practical significance to the study of private enterprise core competency index system. 日益国际化的竞争态势,对民营企业核心竞争力评价指标体系的研究具有很强的现实意义。
- Enterprise Core Competency Cultivation and Value Creation 企业核心能力培育与价值创造
- By the perspective of the natures of enterprise core competence, the paper tries to analyze core competence from market-technology-management. 本文从企业核心能力的特征入手,试图将企业核心能力划分为“市场-技术-管理”三个层次。
- End is rightness at international competition under the present condition of to our country business enterprise core competencies of protection. 最后是对在国际竞争现状下的对我国企业核心竞争力的保护。
- Operations must become a core competency. 运营成为核心竞争力。
- enterprise core competency 核心竞争力
- Logistics must be managed as a core competency. 物流必须作为一个核心能力来管理。
- Analysis of Cultivable Mode for Chinese Enterprise Core Competence 中国企业核心竞争力培育模式分析
- Strengthen Management of Intellectual Property to Develop Enterprises Core Competency 加强知识产权战略设计提高企业核心竞争力
- Do what you do best( your core competency) and outsource the rest! 现在的剧烈竞争的社会环境要求商业组织做自己最擅长的商业内容,其核心竞争力体现在只做主业,其余的尽量外包!
- The Cultivation of Enterprise Core Competence Based on Imitational Innovation 基于模仿创新的企业核心能力培育
- Do what you do best (your core competency) and outsource the rest! 做你最擅长的(核心竞争力),其余的外包!
- Generation of Enterprise Core Competence from Self-Interested Principle 从自利性看企业核心竞争力的形成
- To understand the core competency model and its conceptualization. 理解和新的能力模型和概念;
- Enterprise Core Slogan: Mashi Media,top media for the city. 企业核心口号:迈势传媒,都市中高端消费圈媒体。
- Its core competency is developing scents for candles and air fresheners. 其核心竞争力是发展中国家香味的蜡烛和空气清新剂。
- The Analysis on Core Competence of IT Enterprises'Core Competence 我国IT企业的企业竞争能力主成分分析
- Enterprises'Core Competence and Diversification Management 企业核心能力与多元化经营
- Scarce Human Resource is the Source of Enterprises'Core Competence 稀缺人力资源是企业核心竞争力的源泉
- Analyzing the relationship between the evolving modality of strategically alliance and enterprise core competence 战略联盟的演进形态及与企业核心竞争力的关系分析