- A: It’s really a coagent in enterprise’s finance. A: 它真是企业财务的好帮手。
- Iraq’s finance minister, Bayan Jabr, said Iraq also owed as much as $7 billion to private companies. 伊拉克财政部长,巴彦贾布尔说,伊拉克还欠了70亿美元的私营公司。
- Japan 's Finance Minister stated today that there is an agreement within the G7 that intervention to halt Jpy appreciation would be acceptable. 日本财务大臣今日申明,七国集团就市场干预已经达成一致,制止日元升值的做法将得到市场的接受。
- The FMP program is designed to present a golden opportunity for members to experience EDG's finance function, operating system and culture. 通过此项目,每位管理培训生都会有机会经历康新整体的财务作业流程、运营机制及公司文化。
- The agreement was signed in Maputo at the end of last week by Mozambique‘s Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, and by Denmark’s ambassador, Sandau-Jensen. 上周末,莫桑比克财政部长曼努埃尔?郑与丹麦大使延森在马普托签署了贷款协议。
- Along with the rapid of reform in our country" s finance, every commercial bank of country began to make the countermeasure for the impaction of foreign bank. 随着我国金融业改革步伐的加快,各国有商业银行开始紧锣密鼓的制订各种应对国外商业银行冲击的对策。
- The agreement was signed in Maputo at the end of last week by Mozambique‘s Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, and by Denmark’s amba ador, Sandau-Je en. 上周末,莫桑比克财政部长曼努埃尔?郑与丹麦大使延森在马普托签署了贷款协议。
- The attorney general of Northern Sonora State Abel Murrieta told a news conference that seven officials, all from the state’s finance department, were being charged with negligent homicide. 北部索诺拉州总检察长穆列塔在新闻发布会上说,被捕的七名官员全部来自该州的金融部门,被控以过失杀人罪。
- Finance secufity network is an undividable ingredient of a country"s finance basic structure and is an indispensable condition for the credit of bank and for the safely managing of finance system. 金融安全网是一国金融基础结构的一个不可分割的组成部分,是增强银行整体信用,促进金融系统稳健运行的必要条件。
- Another much-touted plan is for China’s finance ministry to “borrow” dollar reserves from the central bank, which would be swapped into local currency and spent on social projects. 另一个广受吹捧的方案就是中国的财政部向中央银行“借”美元储备,将之转换成人民币用于社会建设项目。
- So, it is necessary to study theories of supply chain finance system, and open out its financing predominance and validity to improve SME"s financing puzzledom consequently. 因此,很有必要对供应链金融的相关理论作系统性的研究,从而揭示供应链金融的融资优势及其改善我国中小企业融资困境的有效性。
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- Governor Rendell has accomplished all of this while being a careful steward of the commonwealth’s finances. 州长伦德尔已完成所有这一切的同时,认真管家英联邦的财务状况。
- The type of portfolio they hold is independent of AAI's financing or investment decisions. 他们所持有的资产组合的类别与AAI的融资或者投资决策是独立不相关的。
- Beware of all enterprise that require new clothes. 凡是要求有新衣服的计划,都得加以提防。
- Thispaper researches on the SEMs"s financing issue to solve these problems basically. 为从根本上解决中小企业融资难的问题进行了探讨。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企业工作。
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 规划扼杀自由经营。
- Others worry about the IASB's finances and its susceptibility to outside influence. 其它人担心国际会计准则委员会的财务状况并且怕其易受外界影响。